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“That would be lovely,” I say to our stewardess.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you, Claudia,” Gabriel says, his eyes never leaving mine. “Are you warm enough?”

“I’m fine. A little overwhelmed being taken away for the weekend. All this.” I move my hand to take in the entire plane. “Not my usual hangout for a Friday night.”

“I suppose not. But the plane... we’ve always had a private plane in the family. Dad, travelled a lot with business. My sister Kat does too. It makes more efficient use of our time. We arrive and take-off as we need to.”

I can see the logic in what he’s saying. It’s just a world away from the life I’ve lived. Vince and I used to travel business class. Our dual income and no kids meant we could choose how we spent our money, and we had some amazing trips.

“Well, I’m going to sit back and enjoy every moment,” I say.

Claudia takes that moment to return with our drinks. Placing them down in front of us.

“Thank you,” I say.

“You’re very welcome. I’ll serve dinner once we’re in the air. Until then, if you need anything, please press the buzzer, and I’ll return.”

With that, she turns and leaves.

“Wow, how the other half live,” I mutter.

“You may as well get used to it. When we have a child, this will be your mode of transport if you wish.”

“Your mode of transport,” I say.

Do I need to remind him that this isn’t my life and never will be? When he meets someone else, they won’t want to share the family plane with his baby-mummy.

“Yours too, Leah. I meant what I said. I will support you and our child, children, when we have them.”

I cross my arms over my chest and stare at him. “Gabriel, I didn’t accept your proposition in order for you to keep me. I’m happy earning my salary.”

He humphs and I want to smile, but I know it’s not the right time. “I get that. All I’m saying is, what good is my money if I can’t make life easier for you?”

I’m not and never have been a gold digger. When I got together with Vince, we were not long out of university. He earned less than I did. The fact that he became a front office trader and a successful one, the money was a bonus, but that was not why I was with him.

“I don’t want people thinking I’m only with you for your money,”

The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

“No, if memory serves me right, you’re after me for my sperm.” It’s then I realise he’s teasing me.

“Ha Ha!” I say. “Okay, we’ll park this conversation for now. Let’s see what this weekend brings.”

My cheeks warm, and I raise my hands to cover them. Aware of Gabriel’s intense gaze. Oh boy.

At that moment, the captain’s voice comes over the sound system. “Final checks are complete. We will be ready for take-off in five minutes.”

Gabriel moves to fasten his seat belt, and I mirror his actions as the plane begins to move. I stare out of the window, glad for the distraction. I pick up my champagne and take a sip. The crisp taste and bubbles tickling my nose.

We sit in silence until the plane levels out, and Claudia returns with our starters.

“I hope you don’t mind, I ordered ahead,” Gabriel says.

“Of course not,” I reply, smiling at Claudia as she places the roasted baby tomato and olive ricotta tarts on the table before us. “Thank you.”

The starter is light and delicious. The sweet taste of the baby tomatoes and olives against the ricotta, with the peppery taste of the rocket and balsamic vinegar, is perfection.

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