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Her shoulders relax, and she turns her hand over in mine. Interlinking our fingers. I glance down and a warmth spreads through my chest at the sight.

“That’s settled,” I say.

Leah nods, her eyes shining.

My fingers ache with the need to touch her. I withdraw my hand and get up, needing to put some space between us. If not, period or not, I’m going to be bending Leah over the sofa and sinking into her silky depths. Not what I think she’s expecting.

“I have some work to do in my office,” I say more sharply than I intend.

“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning.”

I move away,

“Gabriel,” Leah’s voice calls after me. “Can I use your bath?”

I stop in my tracks. Heaven help me. I stay facing away from her. The thought of her naked in my bath is more than my dick can take. It wants her. It doesn’t understand it has to wait.

“Of course, help yourself,” I say, my voice huskier than I expect.

“Thank you,” Leah says.

I make my way to my office and close the door behind me. I drop into my gaming chair and stare at the ceiling, before adjusting my swollen cock to make myself comfortable. I stare at the screens in front of me, unable to concentrate. It’s going to be a long night.

I close my eyes and an idea begins to form. Opening them, I pick up the phone, and call the one person I know can help.

“Hey, stranger, it’s been a while,” A chirpy voice answers almost immediately.

“Pen, I need a favour,” I say.

A chuckle comes down the phone. “Always the charmer, Gabriel.”

I grunt. “You know me,” I say.

“I do. So, what can I do for you? I take it this isn’t a social call.”

I’m not sure what I’m doing, but I want to do it. “I need another console set up.”

“Your current one not good enough?” Comes the sarcastic reply.

“Of course it is. I need another one set up.”

“Interesting. I only gave you our latest handheld console last month. Wow, has Mr Cool, Calm and Collected finally lost it? Or is there another reason?”

“You’ve developed a large nose today,” I say, only to face laughter at the other end of the phone.

“True, but come on, Gabe, loosen up.”

I huff. “Only you get away with talking to me like this,” I add.

“But that is because we’ve known each other for years, and we know each other’s secrets. They are a powerful weapon.”

I would never expose Pen’s secrets any more than she would expose mine. We both like our lives the way they are. The idea of that changing is not one either of us wants.

“Fine,” I say. “I want a console bank set up identical to mine. It’s for Leah.”

“Ah, Leah, your new housemate.”

“News travels fast.” Unsurprised she knows about Leah. She has her ear to the ground and her fingers in more pies than I can count.

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