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“Give my godson a cuddle,” I say.

“I will do. Take care and don’t be a stranger. Jen sends her love.”

“Back at her,” I say, hanging up the phone.

I lean back in my chair and stare at the ceiling. A knock on my door has me looking up.



There’s been no mention of The Sofa Incident, so I’ve just let it ride.

Tonight, I’m heading over to Stella’s. I clutch a bag of our favourite Chinese, and a couple of bottles of wine. I know I’ll need wine for the bombshell I’m about to drop.

“Come in,” Stella says, throwing open the door to her compact apartment. “The witch is away, so we have the place to ourselves.”

“The food is here,” I say, holding up the bag and making my way to Stella’s tiny kitchen.

“That smells amazing,” Nat says from the sofa, before getting up to follow me.

“I’m starving.”

We lay out the dishes, helping ourselves. The apartment is too small for a table, so we pick up books and use them as trays on our knees.

“Any news on when your apartment will be habitable?” Stella asks, pouring me a glass of rose.

“The apartment is still being dried out. They need to check the underfloor heating and electrics for damage. The furniture, however, is a right off. Gabriel has put in an insurance claim. He met with his interior designer earlier this week and ordered replacements.”

“How’s it going? Living with the illustrious Gabriel Frazer?” Stella asks.

“I’ve hardly seen him,” I tell them. “I cook us dinner, and then he does his thing, and I do mine.” I’m not being entirely honest, but Gabriel and my set up is complicated.

Stella’s face drops, making me chuckle.

“Sorry,” I tell her. “No salacious gossip. My life is boring.”

I stop and take a deep swig of wine. “I do want to talk to you both about something.”

“Fire away,” Nat says, topping up my glass when I hold it out.

I inhale and exhale, trying to steady the butterflies that have taken flight in my stomach. “I want to have a baby.”

Silence descends, as both of my friends stare at me.

“A baby?” Stella coughs out.

“As in a real baby?” Nat asks.

“Is there any other kind?” I laugh.

“You know what I mean,” Nat says. “How? When? I suppose more importantly, who?”

I look at my friends and hope they’re going to understand. “I’ve always wanted a large family. It’s why I pushed Vince to bring our wedding forward.”

“Forward! Leah you were engaged to the man for over five years!” Stella says, her exasperation clear.

“And I should have seen the writing on the wall,” I admit. “His barrage of excuses is something I’ve thought long and hard about.” I move my plate off my lap and put it on the tiny coffee table. “Our split hasn’t lessened my desire to be a mother. If anything, his bombshell has strengthened it.” I sigh. “I’m not getting any younger. Next year, I’ll be thirty-five. Geriatric in terms of any pregnancy.” I drop my head and clasp my hands in my lap. “I’ve never been pregnant. If I’ll have any problems. I don’t have time to sit around and hope Prince Charming shows up.”

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