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I watch her for a second as her body cuts through the water. Her form is impeccable, a clear sign she was a swimmer in her younger years. I set off after her, my larger frame and strength meaning I do about two lengths to her one. We continue. I’m impressed with her stamina.

“I’m done.”

Leah’s voice echoes over the water, so the next time I touch the side, I bring myself to a stop. I shake my head to clear my eyes.

I notice Leah haul herself out of the water, her arms take her weight as she lifts herself. Her toned arm muscles ripple, her waist bending as she pulls her feet under her and stands. My eyes travel up her smooth calves, toned thighs, and stop at the swell of her ass, suddenly remembering how it felt to have my hands on her waist. I drop my head forward so as not to be caught gawping. Leah’s black swimsuit leaves little to the imagination.

“Are you coming?” she says. She grabs her towel from one of the loungers around the pool and wrings out her hair.

“No. I’ll just do a couple more lengths.”

She gives me a strange look, her eyes flick to the enormous clock on the wall. “No worries, I’ll see you at the office.”

I’m going to be late, but leaving the pool in her presence is out of the question. The hard-on I’m sporting, despite the cool temperature of the water, is not something I can hide.

“See you at work,” I say, pushing off.

I pound the water as I try to get my mind and body under control. It’s clear I’ve been too long between dates. Something I need to rectify before my sudden infatuation with Leah becomes too much.

“Gabriel. Have you heard a word I’ve said?” Caleb asks, as he pulls me back into the present.

“No, sorry, I was miles away.” Realising my mistake too late.

“You appear distracted, brother,” Caleb mutters.

I humph at him.

“Don’t humph. What were you thinking about that had you so engrossed?” he asks.

“Swimming,” I blurt.

“What?” Caleb sounds truly confused, although I’m not sure why. Swimming was a common activity for all of us during our early years and teens. Elijah even earned a spot at the Olympics.

“I remembered I need to pick up some new swim shorts.”

“Whatever,” Caleb says. “I swear, brother, you’re becoming stranger and stranger with every passing year.”

“And from you, I shall take that as a compliment,” I say. “And now I really have to get back to work.”

When he leaves, I slump back in my chair. That was last week, before she was living with me. Before I came home to find her sound asleep on the sofa, her hand tucked under her cheek, her thick eyelashes framed against her pale skin. She looked so comfortable curled up in a ball. Instead of waking her, I grabbed one of the replacement throws and covered her up with it. It was then I observed her laptop perched precariously by her feet, prompting me to move it.

“Hey buddy,” Mark’s voice comes across the line. “I don’t hear from you in two months, and then two calls in two weeks. I’m honoured.”

“What should I do?” I say, knowing my tone is frantic, but my lack of sleep is affecting me in more ways than one. “I need advice.”

Mark’s voice softens, but his amusement is clear. “Okay. I can try,” he says, pausing. “But you may need to rewind a few steps and tell me what you need advice on.”

“Artificial Insemination.”

“Pardon? Hang on. What?”

“I said, artificial insemination.”

“I heard you the first time.” Mark pauses before adding. “My brain isn’t on the same genius level as yours. I need you to back up and slow down.”

I’ve tossed and turned with the knowledge I uncovered for several days. I’ve not wanted to broach it with Leah, but...

“Breathe, Gabriel,” Mark’s voice comes over the phone, his amusement clear.

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