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When I go to open my mouth, he raises an eyebrow, so I shut it again.

I look at the case and head to the bathroom.

“I’ll wipe it down,” I say.

When I return, his eyes lock on the heavy towel dripping in my hand.

“I think that might be a lost cause,” he says, moving to my bedside table.

“Don’t,” I say more forcefully than I intend, but I’m too late.

Gabriel turns to face me, the drawer open in his hand. I cover my face as he turns back and looks down.

He doesn’t say a word. Simply shuts the drawer and turns away, a slight flush appearing on his high cheekbones. “I’ll leave you to put your belongings in the case,” he says, making a quick U-turn and leaving the bedroom.

I move to my bedside drawer and open it, grimacing at the tube of lubricant and the housewarming gift Stella and Nat purchased for me. The latest single-woman must-have accessory, according to Stella. Now my boss will think I’m a sex-starved desperado.

Ground swallow me up.

Can this day get any conceivably worse?

I pick the items out of my drawer and drop them in the case. I would have a bone to pick with Stella and Nat, but it’s a pretty amazing present. Heat warms my cheeks, and spreads through my stomach. What if he thinks...

I get to work packing what’s left of my dry clothes into the suitcase, burying my vibrator at the bottom.

I’m done within ten minutes, pulling the suitcase into the main area. Gabriel is busy documenting and ordering people around. Two men are busy boxing up any food that has not been destroyed. While another is moving plates and cups into plastic containers.

“Those can stay.” He points to the kitchen goods. “Let’s transport all food upstairs,” he suggests.

He turns as I enter the room. “Do you have everything?” he asks.

“Everything that’s dry. My suits...”

Gabriel waves a hand. “Leave those. I’ll get Anita to collect, along with the pillows and throws. If we can save them, great. If not, the insurance will cover them. I asked maintenance to allow all your bits and pieces to dry before they pack them up. Some photos are damaged, but we may be able to get reprints. I’ll speak to a friend of mine and see if they can get them digitally scanned.”

I don’t miss Gabriel’s use of we, my eyes prickle, but I blink away the tears that have been threatening since he delivered the news. I look to the side, which holds a picture of my mum, dad and me. The water has seeped in at the edges, although the frame has kept much of the picture dry. As if wading through treacle, I make my way over and pick it up.

I sense Gabriel behind me. “Sorry,” I say, wiping my eyes harshly.

“Don’t be,” he says, his voice gentler than I’ve ever heard him. “Your parents?” he asks, looking over my shoulder.

“My mum, dad and me,” I mumble. “They’re on a year-long tour of Australia. Dad’s retirement present to them both.”

“Is this the only photo you have?” he asks, his concern obvious.

“No, it’s fine. I can replace it. They have the master copy. It’s just... I miss them. With everything that’s gone on...” I hold it to my chest before returning it to the side.

Gabriel leans past me and picks it up. “Then it’s coming upstairs. We can try and dry it out. If not, there’s the photo shop across from work.”

“But it’s wet,” I say.

“Don’t argue with me,” he says. “Come on, let’s get you back upstairs.”

We leave the maintenance team on-site. Gabriel goes to the elevator and calls it. He flashes a card, allowing the normal lift to go up to the penthouse.

“Do you have the card I gave you for my apartment?” he asks.

I nod, pointing to my purse.

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