Page 161 of The Donor Billionaire

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She stands up and throws herself into her father’s arms. He scoops her up, holding her tight. His eyes close as if she’s his lifeline.

“I’m sorry, Lottie. So sorry. You were never supposed to find out.”

My heart breaks as I listen to my brother and watch his life unravel before my eyes. Leah moves around them to stand beside me, wrapping her arms around my waist. The look in her eyes lets me know she’s grasped the severity of what we’ve just been told. Her heart is aching for the two people who are now crying in our living room.

“Oh, Lottie,” Elijah says, eventually putting his daughter down and wiping his eyes on his sleeve. He sits down on the sofa, pulling her into his side.

“Lottie, look at me,” he says, using a tone he’s only ever used for Lottie.

“But Dad, I heard what Mum said,” she says, her voice breaking.

Elijah recoils at her words.

“I may not be your biological father, but I’ll always be your dad, princess. I never want you to doubt that. You were mine from the moment they placed you in my arms. I love you. You’re my baby girl. You may not have my blood running through your veins, but you have my love and heart. Nothing can or will ever change that.”

Lottie throws herself at Elijah, and my vision blurs at the nightmare unfolding in front of us. I wrap my arms more tightly around Leah, pulling her into me. She comes willingly, encasing me with her love. I’m so happy I have her in my life. That I overcame my fears and allowed myself to feel. Elijah looks up at us, his eyes connecting with mine over his daughter’s head. They radiate his helplessness. Only time and some seriously good lawyers are going to fix it. His gaze moves to Leah, and I freeze. He bows his head, mouthing the word, “Thank you.”

Leah acknowledges him before motioning towards my office. Elijah nods as we walk away. They need time to talk but know where we are when they’re ready. That’s what family is for.

As we walk into the office, our own child kicks against my hand, making themselves known, my heart melts. Elijah’s reaction to Leah and I makes more sense now. What had he felt? I can’t easily forgive him. Leah is a good person and didn’t deserve his attack, but maybe I can try to understand him.



My hand goes to my eyes, my fingers rubbing over my eyelids to try to open them. Wow, last night. Snippets of the evening come back to me. My cock hardens as I’m flooded with the memories of the previous evening. A hot, tight body. Screams of pleasure echoing around the suite. Soft, demanding lips. Coming harder than I ever have before.

My ears tune in to the sounds around me. It’s far too quiet. My hand snakes out, only to find cold, empty sheets. I listen for the sound of the shower, nothing.

I sit up. The sheet covering me drops to my waist. Suddenly awake, my eyes struggle to focus on the darkness. The heavy blackout curtains doing their job. I flip on the bedside light and look around. My clothes litter the floor, where they were abandoned in our speed to get to each other’s bodies. But it’s only mine. My little dancer’s clothes are gone.

I drop back and fling my arm over my eyes.


I throw back the covers and dive out of bed. Breathing a sigh of relief when I find my wallet in my jeans, untouched.

Dragging them on, I walk barefoot into the main area. The family suite is extensive. They are in all the family hotels. Fully catered and set up to allow the family to stay with minimal disruption. My grandfather had started it, my dad and sister have continued the tradition. I can’t complain. With the amount of travelling I do, it’s nice to have a home from home.

I scan the room, checking for any sign of the woman who joined me last night. When I find nothing, I run a hand through my hair, frustration blooming in the pit of my stomach.

Did she sneak out?

Nothing seems to be missing. She must have simply got up and left when I finally fell asleep. I look at the clock.


We got back to the room at three. There was not much sleeping as we enjoyed each other’s bodies.

I pull on a jumper and head downstairs, hammering on security’s door.

“Mr Frazer. Um… Can I help you?” A man in uniform opens the door, his face not hiding his shock at finding me there.

“I came back with a woman last night.” I’m not really thinking how that sounds until after the words leave my mouth. “Bert,” I say, reading his name tag before giving him one of my most dazzling smiles.

He looks at me, his expression blank.

“I want to know who she is and where she went.”

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