Page 155 of The Donor Billionaire

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Without another word, he turns and leaves the room.

Gabriel pulls back and unloads the treats he brought with him. I smile at his thoughtfulness. But then he continues to surprise me. He’s not the aloof and introverted man I thought he was. Introverted with strangers, yes, but with those he knows, who have access to his inner circle. He’s loyal, caring.

We tuck into our muffins and coffee in silence.

Another knock sounds at the door. The doctor enters.

“Morning Ms Walker, Mr Frazer,” he says.

“Morning, Dr Hanson,” I reply.

“How are you feeling this morning?” he asks, picking up my chart and studying it.

“Like an idiot,” I say.

The doctor chuckles. “You’ve been lucky. Your scans were clear, so apart from a headache, there should be no further complications. Your ankle is likely to remain swollen for a week or so, so you will need to take it easy. I’ll bring some crutches, but you’re going to need to rest, keep your weight off it.”

“Don’t worry, doctor. I’ll make sure of it,” Gabriel says.

“Ah, Mr Frazer. Your fiancée needs to rest.”

I watch as colour floods his cheeks. “Don’t worry, doctor. I shall personally see to it,” he says.

Gabriel turns and looks at me. There’s something I don’t recognise in his gaze.

“Perfect.” The doctor smiles at us. “Before I discharge you, I want to do another ultrasound. Check the foetus is happy.” I nod. The nurses told me the doctor would want to and brought me a jug of water to drink. “You’ve had no discomfort or bleeding?”

“No,” I say, breathing deeply. I’d never have forgiven myself if I harmed our little bean. It may still be in my first trimester, but I already love our child, with all my heart.

“Are you ready to see your baby, Mr Frazer?”

Gabriel nods, moving to my side and interlocking our fingers. His hand shakes in mine, and I look up, surprised at the emotion resonating in his eyes.

The doctor wheels in the ultrasound machine, lowering the back of my bed until I’m lying flat.

“If you can pull up your top,” he says, placing a paper towel along the top of my trousers and under my jumper to protect the material. “Sorry, this is going to be cold,” he says, squirting the gel onto my stomach. My muscles contract, but I smile as he places the probe against my skin.

He moves it around smearing the gel.

He turns to the screen, pointing at a little pulsating blob. “That’s your baby’s heartbeat.”

He flicks a button, and the sound fills the room.

Gabriel’s grip tightens on mine, and I look up to see his face filled with wonder.

I bring his hand to my lips, as we both stare in amazement at the life we’ve created.

The doctor says nothing for a moment, letting us take in the miracle before us.

The doctor hits another couple of buttons, and pictures of our baby print out of the machine.

“A keepsake,” he says, handing the photographs to Gabriel, who’s staring at them in awe.

“Thank you,” he says as if the doctor just doubled his fortune.

“No problem. Everything looks to be fine, but I want you to rest for the next week. Providing there is no bleeding or pain, sex may resume as normal. But if anything changes, come back in, or see your local doctor.”

My cheeks burn at his words, especially when Gabriel brings my hand to his lips, holding it there, his eyes lock on mine. That’s one thing that isn’t complicated or fake. Our sex life is phenomenal, and the thought of Gabriel and I together, by choice. Gabriel’s eyes darken as if he’s reading my mind.

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