Page 130 of The Donor Billionaire

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I grimace. What the hell was my mother thinking? As if any of these brain-dead socialites would spark my interest. I’d die of boredom within five minutes.

“Apparently, he whisked her off to Monaco. I hope she enjoyed it, because it won’t last.”

A flood of giggles follows the comment as a third voice enters the conversation, and I groan inwardly. I can see why women feel like men are treating them as commodities when they stand around discussing them.

“Total gold digger. Probably thinks she’s won the lottery.”

I’m about to step past the door frame when a hand rests on my chest. I look up to find Leah standing next to me, listening to the vipers spew their poison. My heart stops as she shakes her head. This is not what she needs after Elijah’s outburst last night.

I frown, until I recognise the set of her jaw, along with the air of calmness she’s exuding.

Leah smiles and I return it. It’s like she can read my mind.

“Bubble,” she whispers. “I’ve got this. They’re mine.”

She reaches up and presses a kiss to my cheek.

My chest swells. I know she heard their catty comments. I’ve explained how I hate this part of my life. I grew up surrounded by these people. I couldn’t stand them then, and it’s even worse now.

Before I can stop her, Leah steps forward. “Who’s a gold digger?” I want to laugh as Leah feigns her innocence.

The three women pause, observing the new arrival. “We’re having a private conversation.” One of them says, her disdain for Leah clear in her voice.

I step forward into their line of sight, their mouths dropping open as they gawp at me like goldfish. Leah straightens her shoulders and I struggle to hide my smirk. Look out ladies, you’re about to get the Leah treatment. I recognise this stance. It’s the one she uses when dealing with annoying clients. Crossing my arms, I lean against the wall. This should be fun.

I vaguely recognise the dark-haired woman who recovers first. “Gabriel... or is it, Caleb? I never could tell the difference.” Her laugh is as fake as her cleavage, which is hard to miss as it’s practically falling out of her dress. “Lovely to see you again.” She giggles at her own joke, stepping towards me. I want to laugh as Leah rolls her eyes, stepping in her way.

Oh, I like this side.

“It’s Gabriel. It could be considered quite insulting when they have clear and distinct personalities, especially for someone who professes to know the family so well,” Leah says.

The women pause, not sure what to do or say next. “I knew it was Gabriel,” another says, clearly not helping her friend.

Their eyes dart to mine, but I mask my features. I’m known as the grumpy twin, so why not play to my strengths?

“Gabriel, darling,” Leah says, linking her arm through mine. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing. “These ladies are concerned I’m only after your money.”

Leah turns to me, her face feigning shock.

I decide to play along. “Is that true? Are you only after me for my money?” I ask her innocently.

Leah looks back at the women, who are now standing their gawping at us, colour running high in their cheeks.

Leah lowers her voice. “It’s not Gabriel’s money I’m after.”

She pauses. “I’ll let you into a little secret, ladies.” Leah leans forward, and I wrap my arms around her waist. She looks at me over her shoulder before turning back to the bitches in front of us. “This man really knows what to do to make a woman scream. I’ve never had so many —”

I pull Leah away, leaving the women staring after us, open-mouthed.

The three women look past Leah, and at me in horror, before their eyes drop to my crotch, their cheeks darkening. Leah laughs, following their gaze with her own. My blood heating.

“What are you doing?” I whisper in her ear.

“Igniting the rumour mill,” she whispers, her eyes twinkling. “Now you’ll have them queuing up, wanting some of your big, orgasm-inducing —”

I slam my mouth down on hers, silencing her.

“Er... um... enjoy the party.”

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