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I can’t stop the hiss of air that escapes between my teeth. “She’s engaged and works for me. Therefore, she is off limits.”

I shake my head. There’s no taming my brother.

To my surprise, he throws his head back and laughs. “Never fear. I like Leah, but not in that way. She’s engaged. I do have some morals, even if you like to question them.”

Although he’s smiling, I can’t miss the flash of hurt in his eyes.

I’m unsure how to reply, so stay quiet.

I glance down at my watch, and I’m shocked to see that it’s been an hour and a half since I arrived.

“See, it’s not been that bad,” Caleb says, patting my shoulder.

I’m about to open my mouth to reply when shattering glass fills the air, followed by raised voices.

Caleb turns away from me and disappears into the crowd. I stand still as silence descends over the room, apart from the female voice echoing around the bar.

“You bitch. You just can’t take it, he prefers me.”

There’s a loud sound of flesh hitting flesh, and I watch the crowd part as someone pushes their way through, and towards the exit.

“That’s right, run away bitch,” the voice yells after her.

The hum of voices picks up as the drama ends. Caleb makes his way towards me, his expression tight. “Gabriel, you need to go. Leah—” he says, his eyes wide, a muscle twitching at the corner.

I know I must look confused. “Gabriel,” he says again, “That was Leah. She’s just been slapped by some blond woman and run out.” His next words knock the wind out of me. “Her fiancé is here with another woman.”

I freeze, taking in Caleb’s words. What? Leah’s been with her fiancé for ten years. Has been planning their wedding.

“Has she said anything to you?” Caleb asks, his face a mask of concern.

I shake my head. “She’s not said a word.”

Shit, did she know?

“I’m going after her,” I say, facing my brother.

Caleb nods before stepping aside and letting me pass. I know he wants to come. His protective streak runs deep for those he cares about.

“Go, Gabe, let me know how she is.”

I don’t reply, instead I push my way through the crowd only to find myself face-to-face with the man of the hour. Our eyes lock until a hand snakes around his arm, pulling him back. My eyes move to the blond. Her overly made-up face and fake tits are all I can see. She says something to him, her face screwed up, and he turns towards her. They look like they’re arguing. If that’s the woman he’s traded Leah in for...

I turn around and head for the door.



Stumbling out the door, I make sure I’m away from the window and gawping crowd before gripping the wall and bending double. My free hand splayed across my chest as I frantically suck in air, trying to control the growing panic.

I hear Stella and Nat explode onto the street behind me, rushing to my side.

“That bitch,” Stella hisses, her anger palpable. I tune out her rant.

I close my eyes as waves of dizziness wash over me. This is not how tonight was due to go. Vince never comes across to this side of town, but then again. He loves his expensive wines. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

Nat pulls me upright and into her arms, resting my forehead on her shoulder. “You’ll be okay,” she whispers in my ear.

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