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The buzzer sounds.

I run a hand over my face and into my hair, grimacing at the knotted mess I find. I glance down at the crumpled loungewear and realise I’m still in my PJs.

A hammering starts next as someone thumps the door with their fist. The buzzer goes again, although this time, it’s as if someone is leaning on it.

“Okay, okay,” I huff, pushing my laptop to one side and making my way to the door.

“We know you’re in there,” comes a familiar voice. “We come bearing gifts.”

I look through the peephole to see a bag with the name of my favourite Chinese restaurant plastered on the side. A grin spreads across my face.

I throw open the front door and am confronted by two smiling faces.

“About time. We wondered whether you’d died,” Stella says as she pushes past me and into the apartment, holding up the bag of delicious-smelling food.

“Not forgetting the important stuff,” Nat adds, following closely behind, waving a couple of bottles of wine in my face as she passes.

“Come in,” I say to my two best friends retreating backs.

“Come on,” Stella shouts from the main living area. “We’re here to cheer you up. Get you out of your funk.”

I close the door, adding the chain, before trailing after my two besties.

My feeble excuse for staying in this evening has clearly fallen on deaf ears.

I pause at the entrance to the main living area. Both are busy at the far end of the room, making themselves at home in my open-plan kitchen. Stella is unloading boxes of mouthwatering food onto the kitchen island. While Nat is rummaging through a kitchen drawer on the back wall, searching for the ever-elusive corkscrew.

“Found it.”

Nat holds up the offending item, receiving a cheer from Stella.

I grab some plates from another cupboard and head towards them.

Stella’s eyes are locked on something behind me. “I’ll never get tired of this view,” she sighs.

I turn and follow her gaze, watching as the lights of the city blink on as the sun sets.

“It really is quite something,” I say, my throat thickening. I’ve spent many hours imagining holding Vince and my child, pointing out the people and sights below. I give myself a mental shake. “We need to enjoy it while we can,” I add, offering my friends a weak smile before handing each of them a plate.

“Sorry,” Stella says, rubbing her hand up and down my arm.

“So, what happens to this place?” Nat asks, always the more practical one.

I sigh. “Vince brought an estate agent around. He’s put it on the market.”

“Oh,” they say together, their eyes wide.

I let out a defeated sigh. “It’s his name on the deeds. I suppose I should be grateful he hasn’t kicked me out—yet.”

Stella steps up and spins me towards her. Her hands grip my shoulders, shaking me.

“Grateful! He should be bloody grateful you didn’t take a blunt knife to his balls after what he did! Especially after he moved out and in with his little tart.”

Stella hisses through gritted teeth.

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