Page 31 of Devastation

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“Your people have betrayed me and my subjects. You will pay the price,” Poseidon snarled.

The merman started gurgling, but Poseidon slapped seaweed over his mouth. His skin began to turn, and he shifted into his mermonster shape.

Within seconds, his secondary form was present, and Willow’s eyes were huge from where she remained with the dragon.

“You are tasked with protecting my mate,” Poseidon ordered, and the dragon nodded.

“My name is Lyris,” the dragon said.

“I shall make all wrongs committed against your people right. And Atlantis will be severely punished,” Poseidon stated.

“We reside within your domain but are not your subjects. Relationships have been damaged,” Lyris warned.

“Why do you protect me?” Willow asked, finally finding her voice.

“Because you were an innocent. Misused by the king and by The Atlantis, you were a pawn. And one The Atlantis would see dead. That made you a victim, along with my people.”

“You attacked me,” Willow stated.

“Not from my own choice. The Atlantis has enslaved my kind. We are under the Atlanteans’ control. The only reason The Atlantis was able to govern my people was because she kidnapped our princess and held her hostage. We willingly submitted to them to save the princess’s life, not expecting to become slaves. Once she began enslaving us, we automatically fought back. But we were too late. Most of our community already wore the pearl and gold chain around our necks. Signs of our enslavement.”

“Why was I not informed? Enslaving Sea Dragons has been forbidden since ancient times. They would always be respected as the peacekeepers of the Seas and Oceans,” Poseidon snarled.

“Because The Atlantis claimed she was your queen and therefore had your permission,” Lyris stated.

Poseidon’s mermonster form swelled up.

Willow watched as those around him flinched, yet she didn’t. Somehow, she knew deep down he truly cared for those who lived in his domain, and he’d never hurt them.

“It is time to end this,” Poseidon snarled. He waved a hand, and a shimmer of sparkles surrounded Willow and her court.

Poseidon nodded smugly; now they could all go to the depths of the Mariana Trench and face the Atlanteans.

Siera had far overstepped her boundaries, and he was about to slap her straight back to where she belonged.

While Poseidon took a step backwards in the everyday lives of the sea creatures, he would not let certain things happen.

Wars happened between clans, and he deemed it not his place to interfere.

Poseidon believed his own people needed to evolve without him micromanaging them. But he frowned upon enslavement and didn’t allow genocide.

“You may accompany my mate down to the Trench. The markings on your heads will allow you to dive deeper and breathe easier. You’ll not need to surface while we are down there, and the markings will disappear when you touch the sun,” Poseidon said.

“I’m not your damn mate!” Willow snapped and recoiled at a stern look from Poseidon. “Right, not the time to argue. Got to slap back a fishy bitch.”

Segory snorted in amusement even as Poseidon tried to control his own smile.

“You’ll free the princess?” Lyris demanded, and Poseidon nodded.

“Siera has many amends to make, and Atlantis will pay for the slights they have wrought,” Poseidon promised.

Lyris smiled and bowed his head.

“Come!” Poseidon ordered and dived. He dragged the merman behind him, still captive in the hardened water, and gagged from the seaweed.

Poseidon caught sight of Willow swapping glances with her court, and then she climbed on Chatter’s back as the others surrounded her and followed him.

He also noticed how Lyris seemed intent on protecting her and wondered what Willow would think about having a Sea Dragon in her court.

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