Page 23 of Devastation

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“Luna, be at peace, lady of the sea,” Poseidon said gently, in an almost mesmerising voice. Willow found herself leaning closer to him, and then Chatter blew water all over her, shocking her out of her near trance.

Luna snorted a loud noise and then shot water from her blow hole in disgust.

“I’m not going to hurt her,” Poseidon reassured.

“No, like She,” Luna replied, staring Poseidon down.

Willow watched, amused, as Poseidon struggled to find a diplomatic answer.

“I don’t not like her,” he said, and Luna snorted again.

“King not like She. She not like King. Bang calves heads.”

“I’m not going to harm her,” Poseidon explained, and Willow managed to hold back a giggle at the exasperation in his voice.

“No hurt She. Luna defend. Segory blow, King,” Luna stated, and Poseidon sighed as an enormous blue whale appeared at the mention of his name.

“Wonderful, now I’ll never sneak off. You had to wake them both up,” Willow hissed angrily at Poseidon.

“If you hadn’t bellowed ‘go away’, they wouldn’t have woken up!” Poseidon shouted.

“One sneaky mission, and as usual, here comes Mr Angst to wreck everything,” Willow spat, folding her arms across her chest.

“Well, Miss Interference, maybe they’re right to babysit you,” Poseidon yelled.

Willow couldn’t help seeing the mammal’s heads swapping back and forth as they argued. It would have been amusing if Poseidon wasn’t here to no doubt ruin her evening somehow.

“Well, why don’t you flip off? Then you don’t have to see me,” Willow retorted.

“Oh, believe me, if I didn’t have to deal with this, then I wouldn’t be here,” Poseidon shot back.

“With what?”

“The fact we’ve developed a mate bond,” Poseidon yelled.

Poseidon’s face turned puce, and Willow wondered about his blood pressure. Then his words hit her, and her jaw dropped open. Was he kidding? Willow had read enough shifter books to know what a mate bond was. Amusement flittered through her. She was not developing a mate bond with that idiot.

“Poseidon, have you spent too much time in the sun?” Willow asked sweetly.

Poseidon reared back in insult and rose out of the water, and Willow eyed his gleaming emerald tail. She realised there were hints of gold and silver in it, and it was really pretty, even though clearly masculine and muscled. Willow tilted her head as she couldn’t help but wonder how a merman mated.

Poseidon interrupted her thoughts by demanding, “Why are you looking at me?”

“How do you mate? I don’t see a penis or genitalia? Do females lay eggs, and you fertilise them?”

“What the hell?” Poseidon gasped, outraged.

Willow craned her neck even further and peered at him closer.

“Dolphins have slits for their sexual organs. Do Merpeople have the same?”

“I am not discussing Mersex with you!” Poseidon exploded.

“Well, I want to know!” Willow said firmly as she continued to consider his form.

She had to bite back a laugh when he sank his tail below the ocean and only showed his chest.

“How the hell could I be mated to a bimbo like this? It’s bad enough she’s human, but an airhead with it? I’m seriously being punished,” Poseidon complained to nobody in particular.

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