Page 2 of Psychic

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“That’s amazing,” smiled Ghost. “Did they pick any names?”

“Bowen and Beckett,” grinned Antoine. The others all scrunched their noses. “Hey, you four assholes can’t make fun of names, Gaspar, Ghost, Nine, and, well, Ian is fairly mainstream.”

“Thanks,” smirked Ian.

“Anyway, they’re doing well and are already back in their cottage.”

“Pleased as fuck for Marcel,” said Gaspar. “Dude got what he should have had all along. Then again, I guess he was waiting for his Amy. I suppose Elena and Daphne will be the next to give birth.”

“Not for a while,” said Ian. “Daphne is only a month or so along. Elena is about five months, but that still puts her close to Christmas before she’s due.”

“More babies,” grinned Ghost. “Fucking great, isn’t it? I used to think your folks were crazy for wanting more babies, more children here. I mean, shit, fifteen of their own should have been enough. Watching them has made me a better parent and grandparent, that’s for damn sure.”

“Yep,” nodded Gaspar. “Mama and Pops knew what they were doing with all of this. I don’t know how, well, I sort of do. We’re growing our little community one baby, or two, or three at a time. As long as they don’t have fur, I’m cool with all the babies we can support.”

“Gaspar? Are you ever gonna talk to Mama about her, uh, skills?” asked Antoine.

“You know, just once I wish you all would realize that just because I’m the oldest doesn’t mean I’m the one that has to have all the conversations with Mama and Pops. Y’all could talk to them too,” he frowned.

“We could,” smiled Antoine, “but it’s more fun to watch you do it.”

“Asshole,” he frowned. They all waited, watching his face as he mulled over the question. “You know what? Right now, I think we’re all dealing with knowing about Pops. I’m starting to truly be okay with it all. Mama is different. I don’t think we can argue about that.”

“Nope, definitely not,” grinned Ghost. Gaspar frowned at him. “Seriously, brother. I think we should start a pool on a guess of what she really is. Angel, ghost, fairy, witch, demon, I don’t know.”

“Mother Nature,” smiled Nine. “I mean, she’s seriously got a green thumb and seems to know when animals and plants need us.”

“Then how do you explain the other things? The things she knows are coming or about to come, the things she hears from across the property?” asked Antoine.

“Brother, I can’t explain shit, but she’s definitely got some skills that I don’t understand. Maybe some of Pops’ angelic-ness rubbed off on her,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Well, we’re getting ready to head to the office and meet the new client,” said Ian. “Code just sent a text saying that we’re expecting a huge storm this evening, the remnants of a hurricane in the Gulf. We’re gonna get a lot of water.”

“Are the gates ready that Finley’s been working on?” asked Ghost.

“Two of them are. We think it will prevent flooding on the main islands, so this will be a good test. Finley says they’re working perfectly, so I have to believe her,” said Antoine.

Gaspar nodded at his brother, standing with a few cracks and pops emanating from his body. The others just laughed, their own bodies echoing the sentiment.

“Alright, I guess we head over to the office now. Time to meet our new client.”


Agatha Promeaux listened as her friend Maureen spoke about the visit to the psychic at Jackson Square. She’d been talking about going for quite some time, and two weeks ago, finally worked up the nerve to do it. Most of the residents of Maison Soleil were skeptical and tried to talk the woman out of it.

Now, as she was packing her things to leave the senior home, the other women were all interested in what she had to say.

“Maureen, this seems sudden,” frowned Agatha.

“Listen, I went to Madame Serena, and she knew everything about me. She even said that I was going to meet someone that I would fall in love with. I literally ran into Al on my way back from visiting her. He spilled his coffee on me and invited me to join him. I’d seen him around the complex but didn’t really know anything about him.

“It was an instant connection. I’ve been alone fifteen years, and this is the first time anyone has held my attention or interest. I know you all think I’m being a foolish old woman, but we have something special, and I’m too old to ignore it.”

“But you’re going on a long cruise with him and then moving in with him, Maureen. Why does he still have the house and live at Maison Soleil? There are a lot of questions unanswered. Why not wait?” said Agatha.

“Because I’m eighty-one,” laughed the woman. “What am I waiting for? What am I worried about?”

“I don’t know,” said her friend. “I just worry for you.”

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