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“You like the shock of it?” he’d groaned in her ear as he pushed into her from behind, his hard cock easing into her wet slit. Using her hair as a lever, he gently yanked her head back as his cock nestled into her pussy, his other hand reaching around to the shoulder of the dress, edging it off so he could see the tops of her breasts. “Tell me, my bad girl, tell me you’re all mine,” he urged into her ear.

“Yes.” Her eyes grew wide as she’d caught his trance-like stare in the mirror. “I’m yours,” she said, seemingly to his line, “no one else's.” Her eyes flicked to his in the reflection questioningly, “Did you…did you read the script?”

He had rocked his pelvis forcefully against her ass. “Yes, this scene lives rent-free in my head, so say it again, tell me you’re mine.”

“You shouldn’t have…”

“Just say it!” he’d groaned, his hand finding her hard nub between her legs. “Whatever happens on set doesn’t fucking matter because I know, I know who you belong to.” His cock maintained its perpetual thrust as he pinched her clit.

Then she’d let out a sharp squeal, her body caught up in the friction he was creating between his cock slamming into her pussy and his fingers working feverishly on her clit. For a second, her mind rewound to when he must have read the script. He must have known the content for weeks and had sat on it. He hadn’t said a word and now here they were acting out one of the more lascivious scenes in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant. What the hell shot through her head, yet damn if everything about him possessing her like this wasn’t making her cunt leak all over his cock as she started to shutter.

He'd yanked out of her, just as she knew he would. She’d lived with the script for the past few months—it was now part of her DNA. Then he twirled her around, her body still shaking, lifting one of her legs from below her knee, pushing her against the edge of the marble, maneuvering back into her, his other hands stabilizing her hips as he worked himself into a sputtering orgasm, his rippling body caving before he pushed off from the counter. “Don’t move,” he said, kneeling before her.

Was he really going to do the next part of the scene? “Jake,” she’d questioned, feeling his fingers press on her inner thighs. He was! Shit, he is! she thought, hearing the slurping sound he was making between her legs, licking both of their juices.

Then he stood, boring his eyes into hers, and she could tell that he was mustering everything he had not to smile. “Open your mouth,” he ordered. Jesus, he’s serious sputtered in her brain, but she complied and opened her mouth wide, daring him. His lips brushed across her bottom lip, before his tongue started to lick it. “Just kiss me.”

“You can’t do it?” she’d snarked, teasing.

Just then, he’d grabbed the back of her neck, spitting their mixed rapture into her mouth. She gasped, swallowing at the shock. “Oh, my God, Jake.”

Then he’d pressed his lips to hers. “Don’t dare me, ever.”

“That’s not the line,” she’d hushed.

Tapping his forehead to hers, as if he remembered the next line in the script, he had asked, “What does that taste like?”

“Forever, sugar, that tastes like forever,” she’d sung in her falsetto Georgia accent.

“Forever and ever?”

She’d batted her eyes and replied, “‘Til death, ‘til death,” laying her syrupy voice to his lips.

Laughing, he’d said, “Nice touch.” He halted, cut off by the rustling in the dining room. “You clean up. I’ll…”

“Go,” she had said, nodding, then twisted around to turn on the faucet. It struck her that out of all the scenes, he hung on to the one where the guy demands that she state she’s his for life. Possession, ownership…was that something unique to the way men viewed the women in their lives? And why had his low, rumbling voice begging her to say she was his ‘forever’ made her twitch, the neurons crackling below her skin? What the hell?

When she got back to the table, Jake had grinned like a Cheshire cat, standing, pulling her seat out. “That was even fucking hotter than the scene I read.” He bent as she sat, kissed her forehead, and said, “Thank you. Just knowing that we—well, you—said those words to me before I have to see it in the premiere, that you better invite me to….” He chuckled, scooted to the other side of the table, and sat. “It’s carrot soup, and the cream is cashew, so no dairy. Even though…” He swallowed, the lecture burgeoning, registering the protest on her lips.

She knew he wanted to expound on how unhealthy the model eating mindset was, but he stopped. He’d said it before and hinted at it when he thought she wouldn’t protest. “Jake Skyler, I decide what I do and don’t eat, and I recall consuming some protein just recently,” she sassed, winking at him.

“Fair enough. I love that scene. It’s forever etched in here,” he’d said, pointing to his temple as he brought a large spoon filled with bright orange soup to his mouth.

“Did you read the lines right after she agreed to forever and ever?”

“Nah, I’d read enough by the time I got to that,” he’d replied, smoothly slurping the liquid into his mouth.

“The next part was my favorite,” she’d toyed, robotically rotating the silver spoon in the small bowl. The good and bad thing about ridiculously high-end restaurants is that the portion size is so small that it leaves you aching for In-N-Out when you finish your multi-course dinner.

He’d bent his chin, his mouth opening for another bite. “And that is?”

Picking up the serrated steak knife next to her plate, Rakell’s eyes had drifted over his shoulder. She was trying not to look at his animated expression so she could deliver the next line deadpan. “Right after she promised forever, ‘til death, she plunged the restaurant steak knife into his back and twisted. His body slumped to the floor as she walked casually to the table and told the waiter her date would be returning momentarily from the restroom to take care of the bill. She told the waiter she’d need to leave a bit early.” Rakell batted her eyes as Jake spit soup from his mouth, grabbing a napkin and wiping his chin.

“Holy shit. I guess forever didn’t last that long.”

She’d put her finger to her lips. “Shhh, we don’t want any spoilers getting out there.” She smiled. “Don’t read my scripts again unless you truly want to act them out,” she goaded, raising her brows.

“I still love the line where you say you're mine forever and ever,” he’d snickered, holding his wine glass up to toast her.

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