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“Really,” Rakell prodded, “maybe that’s because I prefer men, not boys…evolved men, that is.”

David threw his head back, a loud guffaw booming from his chest. “You may have moved to the wrong place, darlin’.”

“Hey, I’m growing up,” Jake whined, dramatically clutching his heart. “Next year, I’ll be thirty, and I’m getting my life in line, starting with this one.” He squeezed Rakell’s shoulder from behind.

Rakell felt herself go rigid, relieved when Eva started to speak. “Rakell may not have time for you when she becomes a big movie star.” With those words, her chest tightened even more.

“Sis, Jake will make sure he gets time with her, believe me,” Dwayne said, stopping as he peered at the cup in Eva’s hand. “Hey, are you drinking?”

Eva shook her head, dismissing Dwayne. “Tell us about your movie. Is it super sexy like you?”

“Is that alcohol Eva?” Dwayne grumbled.

“Let her alone. You were drinking in junior high,” Georgia whispered gruffly, loud enough for the group to start laughing.

Rakell toyed with how to answer Eva as Jake jumped in. “There are some pretty intense scenes. I mean it’s a sexual thriller, so, of course there’s going to be some nudity…”

Annette smiled toward Jake. “Rakell, I think this role is going to be a big launch for you, and honestly, you shouldn’t feel shy talking about the movie or the role. There’s a double standard here. In Europe, we would not think to caveat a role by explaining…”

Jenae jumped in, “Dad, who’s that French actress you’re ga-ga over?”

Melissa laughed and said, “Brielle something. Mom says she credits her with Dad finally becoming fluent in French.”

“I would have done way better in high school French if I got to watch her …Brielle…” Jake mused.

Rakell could feel her heart thudding in her neck. They were talking about her Brielle. “Brielle Lambert” fell from her mouth like a chunk of her being had just toppled to the ground in front of everyone. She jerked up, sitting erect, their eyes finding her in the illuminating flicks of flame.

“Yes, yes, Brielle Lambert,” David repeated. “Do you know her?”

Rakell realized her tone had sounded like Brielle was someone she was familiar with more personally than someone you referred to on the screen. “She’s a model, and I am going to be…” She hesitated. “Well, my agent is working on a shoot for me for French Vogue next year. Brielle is often on their cover. So, well, they put me in contact with her, I mean just through email. I mean…” There was truth in her explanation. Her agent was lobbying for Rakell to be in French Vogue, and her agent had said she knew Brielle had sway with them, so she was going to contact Brielle’s agent to see if they could get an inroad. Rakell had never told her agent that she knew Brielle, except as a model/actress. All aspiring women in the industry idolized her. Yet the mention of Brielle within this group felt like an invasion into Rakell’s past, as if they had dug into her private diary. She shook her head, letting the ridiculous thought dissipate.

Jake interrupted Rakell’s last memory of Brielle. “If you do meet her, tell her my dad has a major crush.”


“No need,” David murmured, moving behind Annette, bending down and kissing the top of her head. “I already married my French crush.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Ana: I know you’re en route to Albuquerque, but good news…French Vogue has decided you need a cover. Brielle Lambert’s agent told me that Brielle pushed for you. As you know, she has insane pull in the fashion world…Send

Rakell: OMG!! I’m so excited! Jake and I will be in Paris three days before the shoot. He insisted on a Valentine’s Day getaway, knowing I had to be in France anyway…Send

Ana: Are you in New Mexico now?...Send

Rakell: Yes, just landed. Heading to the hotel to meet up with the Skyler clan…Send

Ana: Brielle will be at your photo shoot. Are you okay with that? I’m not sure you have a choice…Send

Rakell: Yes, yes…I love her…delete

Rakell: Yes, she’s an icon. I can’t wait to meet her…Send

Ana: I hear that she’s even more exquisite in person…Send

Rakell: She is!!!!...delete

Rakell: I’m sure…Send

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