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“Rakell, part your lips when I peel the straps down. Yes, perfect. Let me see your chest rising and falling. You’re turned on yet slightly alarmed by how aggressive he’s being. He’s jealous because he suspects you were with another man. First, he slowly peels your straps off your shoulder. Then he says, ‘Was it good? Did you like it?’ in your ear. I’m not tall enough to act that part, so just imagine the gruff, low, angry voice asking you that. He’s a guy you think you’ve fooled, then you say—?”

Coated in a Southern drawl, the words, “I wasn’t, I didn’t. Junior, I would never cheat on you,” dripped from Rakell’s mouth. Her eyes fixated on the mirror.

“Excellent, remember he doesn’t believe you. You’re at a fancy restaurant, and then he…” Tanya coiled her fingers around the dress straps. “I’m going to tug hard to see if this works.” She yanked on the straps of the sundress, exposing Rakell’s breasts to just below her nipples, then immediately pulled them back up. “Okay, let’s try the light-blue sundress. One thing we may need to do is unzip the dress in the back an inch or so. He’s probably stronger than me,” she added, chuckling. “But they want it to come down in one swoop.”

Rakell straightened, bringing her hands to her chest. “I thought it came down quickly, my…”

“Yeah, they want your chest completely exposed above the material of the dress…we can figure that out. You read that part, right?”

“Yes, I wasn’t sure how that would happen. I mean, if the back was elastic, maybe…” Rakell’s voice trailed off, contemplating.

“Brillant, yes, if they inserted elastic, yes.” Tanya’s face lit up. “I think that would work. Lift your arms.” Rakell did, and Tanya took a pen out of her pocket and drew a V under her armpit. Do you want me to show you what his hands will be doing when you bend over the counter and sink? I know you read it, but it’s easier to feel and respond to it.”

Rakell bent over, her hands on the bathroom counter. Tanya lifted the back of her dress with one hand, snapping the waistband of her panties with the other. Instinctively, Rakell’s pelvis contracted. She felt moisture coating her outer lips—no, this is a simulation.

“After he snaps your waistband, the camera will move slightly to capture his hand slipping under the edge of the right side of your lace panties. They want you to wear white for this scene.” Tanya moved her fingers under Rakell’s panties to cover the right side of her ass. “Then he’s going to grab your flesh. I’ll do it lightly, but they want to show his fingers and wrist straining while digging into your bottom. Remember, he won’t hurt you, even by accident. I’ll be right there. We have strategies to make it seem more forceful than it is. The film will show his hand pushing the panties to the side. I won’t do that now because you don’t have an adhesive protective covering. We’ll have you apply that before filming. So if his fingers accidentally graze you between your legs, he won’t be touching your skin. Does that make sense?”

Rakell’s breathing sped up. She could feel the heat pooling between her legs, the dampness in the crotch of her panties. What the hell? She blew out a forced breath, trying to gain control of her lungs as Tanya slid her hand out, touching Rakell’s thigh inadvertently. She wanted to part her legs, beg Tanya to keep going, touch her more. Rakell, get it together, she admonished herself. “Sorry,” she murmured as Tanya flattened her skirt.

Tanya shifted to the side, catching Rakell’s eyes in the mirror. "Why? Because you got into it? I can already tell you will blow up the screen; part of that is your mind letting your body go there. I'm unsure how you learned that since you haven’t been in the industry that long, but it makes my job easier.”

Rakell twisted around so she was facing Tanya, who stood a few inches shorter. She was about five-seven, Rakell guessed, with broad shoulders and a square face—the kind of face that was interesting on both a man and a woman. It was handsome, but in a different way on a female, Rakell thought.

“I think we’re finished in here,” Tanya said, dropping her eyes from Rakell’s stare as she turned.

Following her back into the office, she said, “Sorry, I wanted to ask a stupid question, or maybe an embarrassing one. I…” Rakell stammered.

“Nothing is embarrassing or stupid. You would not believe the stuff I’ve heard.”

“Okay, well, I mean, it happened to me when I did a photography shoot once, but no one knew it. What if I get aroused? Sometimes, I go out of my mind and think about, well, on that photo shoot, I thought about Jake and being with him. Never mind, this sounds soo…” Rakell uttered, covering her mouth.

Tanya chuckled. “I know the question, and yes, it does happen. Two people are touching each other intimately, and people get aroused. I expect that will happen in this film, especially with the newer actors, Moss and you. That’s not unusual. Joseph has been doing this for a long time and says he hasn’t had a surprise erection in many years. Actually, I’m not supposed to tell that story. But you have done remarkably well embodying this character who uses her sensuality in a scheming way, which is interesting because she’s exposing the deviousness of men by doing what she’s doing, so however you need to get in that headspace is fine.”

“Okay…” Rakell hushed.

Tanya offered Rakell a cajoling smile before continuing. “It’s sweet that it’s your boyfriend you’re imagining. I saw a few photographs of you two on Instagram. I suggest you picture him when the actors are touching you. If that makes your eyes roll back in your head and your pelvis engages, well, go with it. Also, there are times when we will need to take a break if biology takes over too much. If it happens to you, give me the signal, and I’ll cut the scene. But know that in order for a scene to be believable to the viewer, it must be to you as well. I think the prickliest scenes will be with Joseph, and he’s the ultimate professional. He’s divorcing his third wife,” she said, her eyes darting to the side as she shook her head, “but professionally, I haven’t seen anything to give me pause.”

“Thank you, just makes me nervous, especially the scenes later in the week, when I am on top of him and…”

“Yes, that will be tricky, but we’ve done them before. He’ll be wearing a sock, and you’ll have on a prosthetic adhesive, so if…”

Rakell grimaced. “If I get wet?”

“Yes, that can happen. You read the scene, probably a few thousand times, I’m guessing.” She smirked. “You’re moving your pelvis on his, his hands will be on your breasts…but remember, we will shoot these in short takes, and then the film editors will work their magic. It won’t be one continuous scene. Maybe as shooting continues, some of the later scenes can be shot straight through, but it’s not typical, especially for actors who haven’t done this before.” Tanya was intriguingly provocative but also disarming, mostly due to her matter-of-fact speaking style and her full lips that were naturally poised in a contemplative smile, as if everything Rakell expressed mattered to her—that, paired with the warmth in her eyes, rimmed with thin-framed glasses.

“Okay, I think I’m going to be good.”

“Rakell, let’s go with great. I know a responsive body when I see one,” she said, and then her eyes flitted away. “Also, I heard Joseph chatting with Astrid, saying he was fascinated with your natural ability to fall into a seductive role. It is pretty uncanny that you portray someone fairly innocent, seemingly normal, and then, in the snap of a finger, you can shift to full-on seductress. These sex scenes may be more difficult than the flirty thing you did during the location scenes. It’s not easy to be completely exposed on camera, but Joseph told Astrid he is confident you will make these scenes jump off the screen. He has a lot of faith in you and has taken an interest in you, which will be good for your career.”

“I’m just grateful to have gotten this role. I want to do everything I can to make him, Astrid, you, and the studio believe they made the right decision, giving someone without much experience a chance.”

“Keep doing what you’ve been doing, and really focus during filming because the camera will be close. With the new technology, all the nuances register: breathing, pelvic movement…I don’t mean obvious grinding or swaying but the slight tightening of muscles, even your skin pebbling. There’s no need to overact it. It’s more important that you're in it mentally. Oh, and a piece of advice from a woman who was with someone for years who did not fulfill me. If thinking about your boyfriend touching you or doing whatever he does…” Tanya started, cocking an eyebrow, “makes you squirm like you did in the bathroom, then keep him around.” She snorted. “We may need to hire him.”

Rakell snickered. “Lord, don’t tell him that. He’s already pretty damn sure of himself.”

“I bet you unravel that…I mean, that jock type is only so confident. He’s lucky to have you.”

“Thank you, but all the women on social media would beg to differ.”

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