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Ana: This is big…Send

Ana: This can’t wait…Send

Ana: Can you fly to Georgia…Send

“Of course,” he murmured, his tone lacking conviction as he placed the steaming coffee on the table beside the bed.

His eyes were cast downward as she looked up. “It’s Ana. I have to call her back,” she said, unable to contain the anxiety Ana’s messages always seemed to elicit in her.

She pushed on her name, accidentally hitting the speaker button. “Hi, Rakell, big news…Joseph and the casting director called yesterday evening. Wanda, the main casting director, loved you, so she sent your live audition tape to Joseph.” She heard Ana sip a quick intake of air, her words coming out fast, as if she were already jumping up and down. “He reviewed yours along with three others, and Wanda said, hands down, they think you are perfect. They want you to do a chemistry read with Joseph.”

Rakell’s eyes shot up, catching Jake’s intense stare as he mouthed “chemistry,” his shoulders tensing, rising just enough for her to notice. It struck her that she should take Ana off the speaker, but Jake stood and moved to the edge of the bed next to her, whispering, “Chemistry…what’s that?”

“Hi, Jake,” Ana boomed through the phone. “A chemistry read happens when they think someone is perfect for the part, but they want to do a live read with the actor playing opposite. Rakell, in this movie…as you know, there are a few males you would be…” Ana made a gruff, throat clearing sound. “Well, getting close to…but Joseph is the lead, and I am here to tell you that he can single-handedly put you on the map. He expects this one to be a blockbuster. You know the novel, How Easily They Fall, has sold millions worldwide, so they know they have an audience.”

Rakell wasn’t sure if Ana was talking to Jake or her. “Well, of course, I know the novel,” Rakell said tersely, then quickly added in a softer voice, “Jake doesn’t read stuff like that. He likes old Westerns.” She touched Jake’s arm.

“Books like what?” he said, a crease forming between his eyebrows.

Shit, she wished she could click off speakerphone. Jake did not need to hear the details of this film.

“This is a sexy, seductive film. A thriller, yes—one sultry, soul-zapping thriller,” Ana practically shouted over the phone, “and can you think of a better seductress than Rakell?” she asked, clearly rhetorically, not looking for an answer.

Jake stood. "No, no, I can’t,” he said blankly, turning away. "I'm getting another cup,” he mumbled, his tone defeated and twinged with irritation. She shook her head, taking Ana off the speaker.

Bringing the phone to her ear, she said, “So tell me the details.”

“Joseph wants to see if you’ll fly to Atlanta. He’s there scoping out locations and talking to business owners. As I said, he’s not only the lead actor but also producing and helping direct this one.” Rakell’s stomach jumped with anticipation, listening to the excitement booming from Ana’s voice. Ana usually proceeded cautiously, always providing a caveat for positive callbacks. She had explained to Rakell a million times—things have a way of going sideways in this business.

“Ana, when does Joseph want me there?” Rakell asked, trying not to mirror Ana’s enthusiasm, registering Jake’s serious expression.

“Monday, so you’d need to fly to Atlanta tomorrow. He wants to lock this up as soon as possible.” Rakell’s chest tightened. Tomorrow was Sunday, the team cookout with all the significant others and families. She could tell by how much Jake had talked about introducing her to everyone that he’d be disappointed. “They’d like to start shooting in six weeks. The reason I am so convinced that this is yours is my conversation with Joseph. He said you have a non-rehearsed sensualness that he doesn’t see in the others.” Rakell let out a breath, so glad she’d taken the phone off speaker. Ana continued, her words rushing out. “He asked me if you would be available to start in less than two months. I told him that we would clear your schedule for this role, and I didn’t want to jinx this, but he said, ‘Then clear her schedule.’ We loosely discussed financial compensation, but I think you will be pleased. The main thing here is your name at top billing. This is a lead role.”

“I know, I know,” Rakell replied, her eyes going to Jake. “I want this role, I do, but I can’t fly out tomorrow. It’s the Condors’ big cookout and I already promised Jake I’d be here and…” Her eyes locked with his, his face softening as he peered over his cup before taking a sip. She wasn’t used to thinking about how her life affected someone else or working around a lover’s plans. “I can change my flight Monday to Atlanta instead of Austin.”

Ana hesitated while Rakell sat in silence. “Honestly, Ana, if they think I’m the right fit, then twenty-four hours shouldn’t matter.” She caught Jake’s jaw loosen a bit as he nodded.

“Yes, you're right. I’ll call Joseph and make the plans. Rakell…” Rakell heard her draw in a breath. “You read the script. It’s an intensely sexual film. I know that can be difficult for new actresses, but we are not in a position to start scratching scenes off or asking for…”

“I get it, I know how to act…” Rakell fished around in her brain for the word that wouldn’t send alarm bells off in Jake’s head, “…suggestively,” she murmured, focusing her gaze downward, hoping he was distracted.

She heard Ana chuckle at the same time that Jake groaned and whispered, “Do you ever.” She looked up, narrowing her eyes at his sheepish smirk, his hands in the air as if to say, “What?”

“Okay, text me with details, Ana, including hotel, where I am…”

“That’s my job,” Ana snapped. “Give it everything, Rakell. This is it!” she punctuated before the phone went quiet. Rakell’s arm went limp, her phone cradled in the palm of her hand. She was processing everything, reasoning with herself. Of course, they want you to play a seductress, but it’s still a serious acting role. It will showcase your skills. Yes, and your body. But many famous actresses have done sex scenes, appeared topless or essentially nude, which didn’t detract from the performances they gave.

Chapter Thirty-Two

I opened the door and picked up the picnic basket, a complimentary to-go breakfast, then lifted the wooden lid to make sure they had included the extra fruit I’d requested. Rakell wouldn’t eat the croissants, especially now that she had to do the chemistry read in a couple of days. I still didn’t get the gist of that, but I knew I didn’t like the idea at all. As I approached an armchair next to the bed, she was saying goodbye to Ana.

She put the phone down on the bedside table, her eyes fixed on it as if she were running the conversation with Ana through her brain. Her bottom lip disappeared into her mouth, her feet rubbing together.

I had no doubt that her mind was spinning; anyone who was semi-paying attention would pick up on her uneasiness. I wondered if she was aware of her nervous gestures and if she had displayed that same jittery body language when she’d worked as an escort before having sex with a man for the first time. God, that thought made my gut twist.

She finally lifted her eyes to me, and at that moment I wasn’t sure if she was skittish about the impending role or me being privy to the conversation. I purposefully relaxed my shoulders, sat back in the chair, and offered her a quick upturn of my lips.

In return, she gave me a sly, closed-mouth smile, like she was caught between two opposing feelings: embarrassed and emboldened. Her fingers were curled around the cup handle, her eyes still steadied on me. She shimmied herself back toward the headboard. Her T-shirt, well actually mine—she’d taken to stealing one every time we were together, then would wear it the next time I saw her—was gathered around her pelvis, her pale pink panties peeking out. As usual, I knew I’d need to probe to understand what she was thinking, as it was unlikely she would start the conversation. “Hey, you.”

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