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Dwayne stepped into the middle of the swarm of muscular beings and yelled, “Hey guys, respect. Come on, this is our captain.”

Rakell watched Dwayne’s eyes as they scanned the group, stopping momentarily on a guy she didn’t recognize. That guy was facing away, looking south to the far side of the lake, toward the mountains. She couldn’t help but think that the guy seemed like he didn’t belong, almost like he was barely tolerating this group. Nothing about him signaled engagement.

Her eyes took in the panoramic view, noticing that some of the mountains still had on what looked like little white hats. It was as if the snow had decided it would remind the summer party-goers that it ruled the mountains and was directly responsible for this pure water.

Dwayne held a plastic glass with clear bubbles up in the air. “I want to thank these guys: Josh, Malachi, Sergio. These three signed up to take care of us all week, ensure we get to the hiking paths, and even selected the strenuous one we conquered yesterday.” A collective groan rumbled through them. “They’re working with us on everything to make sure we get a little workout in, along with a lot of fun.” Dwayne elevated his cup in the air, and the guys cheered. “This Tahoe retreat was the idea of our fearless, sensitive, sweet, caring…”

Rakell smirked when Jake stepped forward, his hand engulfing Dwayne’s shoulder and she heard him whisper to Dwayne, “Enough, or you're going overboard.”

“Seriously,” Dwayne went on as Jake took a step back, “Jake had this idea to start a bonding retreat when he signed on with the Condors as our lead quarterback, and it’s become a tradition for anyone who can make it. We always insist the new guys join since being a family is the basis for a strong team.” Rakell saw Dwayne’s eyes travel back to the guy who was standing with his back to everyone, then move around the group. “So, to Jake, thank you for understanding what makes a good team great. And to you, family, on the field and off.” The guys clinked plastic glasses, then gulped the remains before fishing beers out of the cooler and passing them around.

Josh steered the catamaran and said, “Everyone, please make sure you have a cocktail in hand. We are heading to Emerald Bay to get a panoramic view of the sunset.”

A gust of air scooted up Rakell’s dress, leaving a trail of goosebumps over her bare legs. She shivered as frigid wisps tickled her sheer lace-covered crotch. “Oooh” popped from her mouth.

“Get over here,” Jake said, tugging her arm, “you can sit on my lap.” He motioned to the cushion-covered bench where Dwayne had been sitting.

She arched her head, catching the flit in his eyes. “Not sure that’s a good idea, Mr. Skyler, not sure I can trust you.”

He sat and pulled her down to his lap. “Darlin’, you know exactly what to expect from me,” he said, overemphasizing his Texas drawl as his hands slowly began to knead the flesh above her knees, the cotton material inching up her thighs.

“Jake,” she admonished, sinking deeper into his lap.

He shifted her closer so her right ass cheek sat solidly over his pelvis. “Don’t move,” he whispered in her ear, reaching for one of the wool blankets sitting on the cushion. “It’s going to get even colder,” he said, pulling the blanket over her legs and up around her waist, covering their laps.

“Jake, the sun,” she hushed, awe infusing her tone, looking above the bay of water they were entering. The glowing ball was already kissing the top of the Sierra Nevada mountains that encased the lake. The cove was a hidden enclave encapsulated by commanding pine trees. In the middle stood a small island with an impressive rock mansion. It looked as if it had been made by the Earth, not man, so formidable yet hospitable to the surrounding landscape.

“Yes, it’s unique,” he murmured in her ear, sending a shot up her core. It had been ten days since she’d seen him in Austin.

“Jake, I swear, don’t tease me,” she hushed, pinching his inner thigh below the blanket. “Or I’ll…” Her fingers crawled up the inseam of his jeans as her eyes scooted around the boat. Most of the guys were drinking and laughing, some pointing at the tops of the mountains where the sun toyed like a seductive dancer, ending her show with one last bow before slipping behind the curtain. It was partially hidden, brushing the sky with a rusty hue, bursting with jagged swirls of fuchsia and canary yellow. “It’s amazing.” Her hand stilled on the crease of his leg and hip, just to the side of his pelvis.

“I told you, and for the record, I don’t tease…I promise. The same way appetizers at great restaurants are a promise that the main dish is going to rock you.” He snickered in her ear before continuing, “So nice to get a snack before the main course.” She gasped as he slipped two fingers under the lace covering her crotch. “You know how much I like starters.” He grinned at her as if they were casually talking about dinner, her walls clamping down as he dove into her knuckle deep.

Sucking in a breath, she fixed her focus on the sky’s canvas, the brush strokes a kaleidoscope of colors. As Jake’s fingers rotated inside her, she strained against his lap, trying to control the urge to wiggle and squeal. She’d never have let a client do this, not on a boat full of men—not in public, no way—but she also would not have done what she was preparing to do to Jake. She darted her eyes to his face, tilting her head, then she opened her mouth and whispered, “Oooh, I enjoy a little before-dinner munchies as well,” in a purposefully seductive tone. Her fingers moved from his inner thigh to the zipper of his jeans. She reveled in the controlled shock on his face, the way he cleared his throat when she toyed with the head of his zipper.

“Rae-kale,” he choked out, eyes flitting around the boat. She delighted in his nervous expression.

Only tiny remnants of light were left as the sun bid farewell to the day, muted embers flicking at the tips of the mountains. The Tahoe night sky had kicked the sun out completely, differing from Austin’s summer night sky, which held on to the warmth for hours after the last shades of pink had disappeared along the horizon. The chilled Tahoe air entered abruptly as the light faded, impatiently rushing around them as if waiting for its cue to perform. She felt his fingers slide out of her, dragging down the inside of her leg, leaving a trail of her juices in their wake. His hand molded to her knee. “Okay,” he whispered back, “we’re even.”

Jake Skyler: forever the rule maker. I don’t think so, my dear sir. I don’t want to play by men’s rules, not even yours, she wanted to hiss, but instead, she spread her fingers out before laying her whole hand on his crotch. “Even? Are we playing a game? I thought this was just a taste of what’s to come.” Then she tightened her fingers around his shaft, feeling it thicken beneath his Levi's. “I think I like what’s to c-o-m-e.” She held back a giggle at his quick, breathy intake of air. “Yes, it makes me anxious for more.” She quickly squeezed his cock once more before letting her hand drop.

“Errrr,” he groaned deeply as she put one foot on the deck, scooting her pelvis out from beneath the blanket, standing, making sure to keep his crotch covered. “You may need that,” she said, eyeing the woven wool over his lap. “I’m going to get a drink,” she stated before turning to walk across the catamaran, feeling the deck shifting below. The boat started swaying as the lake’s temperament shifted unexpectedly from gentle lapping waves to rough, choppy waters. She could hear the water splashing against the sides. One of the guys working on the boat stood by the cooler. “Can I get some water?” she asked, pointing to it.

“Sure thing.” He opened it, plunging his hand into the ice, fishing around. There was a crack against the side of the boat as the sky let out a boom. Her head snapped upward as lightning pierced the purple sky, then a wave gushed against the side of the catamaran, water splashing onto the deck. She slipped, grabbing the side rail with her hand, her feet sliding around the smooth surface as she tried to regain her balance.

She heard the guy at the cooler yelp as he let the lid fall shut.

Suddenly, a pair of muscular forearms reached around her, clutching her waist from behind. “Stand,” she heard a gruff voice command. Not Jake’s or Dwayne’s. She’d never heard this accent before—garbled like his mouth was full of rocks. “Stand, now.” There was no hint of friendliness in his tone. Her pulse raced as her feet skidded on the deck, trying to gain footing. As she dug her heels in to steady her scrambling legs, he jerked his arms, yanking her up to standing. Before she could turn to face him, Jake was looming over her, his eyes flicking with anger, focused on the person behind her. Reaching forward, Jake scooped one hand around her waist, gripping her shoulder with the other, grounding her.

The driver yelled. “We’re getting close to shore, but it's about to let loose. Sorry, the forecast predicted this would come much later. When we get to shore, we’ll get you off quickly.”

“I got her,” she heard Jake snip to the guy behind her.

She caught her breath. “Jake, he was helping me.” Jake’s grip on her steadied her as she twisted around. “Thank you,” she hushed, “thank you.” In the fuzzy moonlight reflecting off the water, she could see the outline of a beard and longish, messy hair spilling over his forehead. A diffused beam peeking through the rumbling clouds illuminated a neck covered with art. It looked like it scrolled under the beard. She couldn’t distinguish the color of his eyes as they flew from her to Jake, but his expression was unsettling.

“It’s fine, you’re welcome,” he muttered. His beard began waggling like he was working his jaw back and forth. His stare fixed on Jake, the tension transferring between them palatable. Then he darted his eyes to the side, lowered his face, and said, “Skyler, sir, my only intention was to help.”

Jake didn’t answer until she nudged him with her elbow. “Yeah, I saw that,” he offered, a coolness to his voice.

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