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“How about you suck me off while I get to devour that puss…you only need to concentrate on my cock while I concentrate on your pussy. Not complicated at all, considering that this girl here speaks four languages and is a super smart international investor.” He scowled at that part. She knew it irritated him that his dad had insisted Jake could learn from her. “Pretty sure you can handle a little dual stimulation.” He jerked on her robe, and added, “Now, get up here.”

She let the robe drop, smirking at his reaction to her naked body, his straight mouth and greedy eyes glaring at her as he impatiently helped her onto the bed. Both laughed as he pulled the covers aside to reveal his hard cock. “So, how does this actually work?” She giggled, partly because she felt awkward and partly because his hands were all over her body. And there was a third part she was feeling—relief. Relief that she’d shared something so painful with him and it was over, that they were moving on. He’d been there for her in a way she’d never imagined a lover could be. A renewed patience settled into her, and she reminded herself that the life she’d imagined that seemed to disintegrate with the fire was actually unfolding. This man still loved her. He’d heard the truth, how she had asked her dad to save her horse, leading to his death, how she had sold her virginity, and all the decisions she’d made to set up her life so that she could pursue her dream of Hollywood.

“Okay, move your ass over here,” he said, pulling her hips toward his face. “Straddle me, your pussy hovering over my face and your face over my cock.” A few giggles later, before her fingers wrapped around his hard shaft, her mouth poised over his cock, while her legs were spread on either side of his head.

“I just start sucking?” she hushed, feigning a naïve, breathy voice. She let the warm air brush against his cock, feeling it twitch in her hand before her tongue swirled around the head, making him groan into the open slit of her pussy. “Like this?” She sucked in the bulbous head, licking down the thick shaft.

His large hand splayed over her ass, yanking her forcefully down. “Yep, fuck, just like that,” he growled just before his tongue lapped at her outer lips, winding its way between her folds. Then methodically, his tongue and lips edged to her clit, slowly and repetitively sucking with less vigor than usual, as if he were savoring her, edging her there.

She willed herself to concentrate on his cock, her lips stretching wide to take him in, his head bumping up against the back of her throat. When his guttural moan vibrated against her pussy, her inner thighs flexed, and her internal walls began spasming. As the spark that had bloomed from her clit started flickering through her pelvis, her head jerked up. “Jake, I can’t, I…” She arched her ass up, away from his face.

Pop! A sharp sting to her ass, his hand snapping back, then his fingers digging into her hips.

Her nose snagged on the smell of the casserole cooking. “Oh, Jake, I need to get that…”

His hand snapped lightly against her flesh again. “Don’t fucking move.”


“The sooner you cream on my face and let me lick it up, the less burnt whatever’s in the oven will be. You’re right. You can’t pay attention to two things at once. So feel this.” His voice was warbly and gruff. “Got it?”

“Yes.” She braced herself, her hands planted on the bed on either side of his hips, letting her pelvis dip as his tongue rhythmically moved in and out of her cunt. He sucked her clit again, more vigorously. She tried wiggling her ass, but his hands gripped her hips so forcefully she couldn’t move. She could only absorb what he was doing to her, everything he was making her feel. Then, as if a string of firecrackers had been lit, starting at her clit, the sensation pulsing through her pelvis, rippling up to her torso, she let out a low howl, like an injured animal, the intensity of it racking her. He wasn’t stopping; he kept eking it out until she heard herself plead, “I can’t…please.”

“One more taste,” he muttered against her sensitive flesh. Then he licked her with the flat of his tongue, from her clit up her slit, making an over-exaggerated slurping sound, which was mixed with his cocky chortle.

“Jake!” she scolded, sure the casserole was burnt. “Shit, I need to, I wanted today to be perfect for you,” she hushed, fighting her body’s desire to crash onto the mattress, feeling completely spent.

She felt his hands guiding her body off of his to the edge of the bed. He sat up, saying, “Careful,” holding her under her arms as she slid her toes to the floor. Regaining her footing, she raced out into the kitchen, grabbed oven mitts, and reached in to pull the bubbling egg casserole out. She surveyed it and decided the brown edges could easily be covered with the grated cheese.

“Hey, you may still want this.” She heard his deep, animated voice behind her, spinning around to see him holding up her robe, his lips stretched into a huge grin. “Unless you want to cook for me naked. I mean, don’t get me wrong, watching you doing your thing in the kitchen barefoot and completely nude sort of checks off a lot of my Neanderthal boxes,” he goaded, as she snatched the robe out of his hand.

She knew he was referring to their fight months ago, when she’d called him, in a deriding tone, a Neanderthal. That explosive argument that had ensued when he’d confronted her—letting her know he knew she’d been an escort—seemed like it had been a lifetime ago. Or someone else’s story, someone she’d played in a movie, a part of her but not her. He held the robe open as she slipped her arms through it. When she turned, she cupped his cheeks in her hands. “I remember,” she murmured, pecking his lips, “fucking Neanderthal. Did I miss the mark?” she teased, knowing she’d never forget that day when her defense system went into overdrive, every synapse in her brain short-circuiting.

“You're going to stop me? Like, keep me fucking captive? Who do you think you are?” I’d screamed. “Did you forget I, Rakell McCarthy, don’t follow your little playbook, Jake Skyler?” Abruptly, I spun away from his stare. “Fucking Neanderthal!”

“Don’t you fucking move, or you’ll see just how Neanderthal I am! Stop!” he’d retorted.

“Don’t you dare talk to me in that patronizing tone! You backward fucking Neanderthal.”

“Call me whatever you want to, but I’m driving you home,” he’d countered with no emotion. I wondered how he could do that; sometimes, in the middle of our fights, he’d pull back like a voice in his head had just called “time-out.”

“Fine,” I huffed. “Should have listened to my first instincts about you.”

She may have been the one who had acted more like an animal that day—a trapped, terrified animal—yet here they were.

“Nahhh,” he yawned, stretching. “Neanderthal is not quite accurate. I think of myself as a super-evolved guy with the sensibilities of the old Western characters.”

She chuckled, realizing he’d put some thought into his picture of himself. “That’s an oxymoron. But I will let you believe that because it is your birthday. Let me get the Champagne.”

“Oh, so you’re just catering to me because it’s my birthday.” He stepped behind her as she bent to grab the bubbly she had chilling.

“Yes, that’s exactly why. Go sit down; I’ll get us some Champagne and finish breakfast.”

She filled two glasses, handing him one as he sat on the couch. Leaning forward, her glass extended to toast him, she said, “Happy birthday, Jake Anthony Skyler,” in a sing-song voice. “I’m glad you're finding your way back into my life, and…and here’s to another year with you.” She swallowed; that wasn’t how she’d wanted to say it, but she clinked his glass and then sipped, feeling his gaze studying her.

“Jesus, woman,” he mumbled around a mouthful of lemon and ricotta pancakes covered in lavender syrup, swallowing with a satisfied groan. “What the hell is in these? They’re so rich and the syrup reminds me of that Ternero special oil I got you in Sacramento, with lavender and vanilla.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “That reminds me, we haven’t tried that oil yet.”

She stabbed at the fruit on her plate. “Because we’d have to cover the bed in plastic, and what would we do all covered in oil?”

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