Page 62 of Ruthless

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“So … new development, huh?” I scrunch up my nose. “And just when I thought things might be taking a turn for the better. Now, Natasha and I are going to be sex workers.” I try to keep my tone light, but when a lump lodges in my throat, it’s hard. Tears fill my eyes, clouding my vision, and I sniffle. “I’m not going to lie, Rossi. I’m scared. I’m not usually a pansy-ass bitch, but … I really, really don’t want to be forced to go with Marco.”

Gazing around the room, he makes sure no one is listening before he walks toward me and grabs my hand. Pulling me into the bathroom, he quickly locks the door behind him. “Listen to me, Briar,” he says, putting his hands on my shoulders. “I can’t say much right now. We don’t have enough time. But I need you to be brave. I know this is a lot. I get that this is really fucked up for you and your aunt, but you two are about to help so many people. Okay?” Wrapping his arms around me, he gives me a squeeze. “Trust me when I say, Hudson isn’t far. And I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“They want to kill him, Rossi.” My voice cracks, and he pulls back, looking down at me. “All because he helped Walker and Gia today.”

Dipping his forehead closer to mine, he smiles. “Trust me when I tell you, they don’t have shit on Agent Hudson Hale.”

“Agent?” I gasp. “Hale?” My eyebrows pull together in confusion. All I’ve ever known him as is Hudson Hercules.

“Yes, Briar. And I’m not just some thug who works for the Romanos.” He grins. “Agent Rossi is the name. And, look, there’s so much to say and not enough time. But soon, you’ll know everything.” Backing away from me, he gives me one last grin. “It’s going to be okay. Trust me. Not everyone would be strong enough to do what you’re about to face. But guess what. You are.”

He winks before pulling the door open and bolting out.

I have a thousand questions shuffling through my brain. But the biggest one is … What the hell am I about to face?

An hour ago, I landed in Italy, thinking I was going to the same place as Natasha—Vittoria Island. But instead, Enzo demanded Rossi bring me to his house and then leave. So, here I am, alone with the devil.

The pain from Enzo’s fingernails digging into my arm as he slams me down into the chair has tears stinging the back of my eyes. He smirks at me, his entire face dripping with evil as he slaps a piece of duct tape across my lips before he begins to tie me up.

Fastening the rope around my wrists, he pulls tighter before rushing toward the window. “Right on time,” Enzo says with a sick smirk, looking at the security footage as Hudson heads toward the front door, gun drawn. “You know, I never wanted you, you stupid slut, but did you really think I’d let you make a fool of me? Fucking my security guard behind my back? And before you try to lie about it, don’t. I saw footage of him sneaking back into my house the night he was supposed to be on a flight back to the United States.” He looks at me with disgust. “I know he came back just to fuck you, you dirty whore.”

Moving back in front of me, he takes the gun and drags it up my stomach, between my breasts, before pushing it into my neck. My heart beats at a speed that hurts, but I don’t cry. No, tears aren’t going to save me. And I refuse to look weak in front of this piece of shit.

“Your boyfriend is going to die,” he taunts me before wrapping the tape around my ankles. “And so are you. But you’re going to burn up in this building. Nothing will be found of you besides bones.” His blackened eyes stare at me. “Same with Hercules. Only his skull will have a bullet hole in it.”

He smashes me in the forehead with the gun, and the blow to my head hurts so bad that I feel dizzy. When he heads toward the door, I try to scream, but it’s muffled through the tape, and I know no one can hear me. Not even Hudson. I should have known this plan would backfire. Enzo, as monstrous of a human being as he is, isn’t stupid. And right now, he’s beating Hudson at his own game.

Now, the tears stream down my face as I fight to get out from the rope restraining me, knowing that Enzo set out of this room to kill Hudson. I exhaust myself, flailing around as hard as I can, wriggling to try to break myself free. It’s no fucking use. I’m stuck here.

All while he dies because he came back to save me.

Rossi was sent to the crew complex after dropping me off, so it’s just Hudson, me, and Enzo. And soon, it’ll just be Hudson and me. In a burning house, not even in the same room.

Hudson, please, just be okay. I cry hysterically, moving around so much that I flip the chair over. Looking around, I search for something that could free my wrists and ankles.

Swiftly, the door handle wiggles a few times before it busts open. For a second, my lip trembles, and I’m scared it’s going to be Enzo. But instead, it’s Rossi.

“Briar,” he says, rushing toward me, and out of nowhere, I smell the faint scent of smoke.

“Let’s get you out of here.” He pulls the tape from across my mouth and takes a knife from his pocket to begin to free me from the rope before helping me to my feet. “Come on. You need to get out of this house. He just doused the entire place in gasoline and set it on fire. Within five minutes, this whole place could be up in flames.”

“Not without him,” I say sharply. “I am not leaving without Hudson.”

“Briar, I’ll get him out of here. He would want you to save yourself first.”

He grabs my wrist, yanking me toward the stairs, and I pull away.

“I am not going anywhere without him, dammit!” I hiss. “Now, take me to him. And we can all get out of here. Together.”

For a second, he stares at me, and I can tell he thinks it’s a bad idea. But he must know I’m not leaving, or he understands we don’t have time to argue. So, he takes out a gun and hands it to me before taking a second one out.

“Enzo isn’t stupid. He has backup on the way. I know he does.” He nods toward the weapon in my hands. “Do you know how to shoot a gun?”

“I do,” I say, nodding. “When my dad got sober for a while, he got back into hunting, and he wanted me to go. So, I took a safety course.”

To this day, I don’t know why I took the course. I’ve never liked weapons, and I don’t hunt. But for whatever reason, when my dad asked us kids and Walker said no, I stepped in. I guess, in a way, I just wanted my dad to have something that wasn’t getting high. And even though he never ended up shooting an animal, we had fun those early mornings, walking through the woods, pretending we were big bad hunters.

“Follow me,” he mutters. “And stay close.”

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