Page 60 of Ruthless

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Her gaze moves to Poppy before her eyes widen.

“Poppy?” she whispers, stepping closer. “Holy shit, is that you?”

“It’s me,” Poppy says softly. “Please, don’t say anything.”

“I would never,” she says, grabbing Poppy’s hands. “I can’t believe it’s you. You’re here.”

“I can’t let him marry her, B. Your brother deserves to decide who and what he wants too,” Poppy blurts out, going completely fucking rogue, which is so not part of the plan. “So do you.”

Before Briar can answer, I interject. I told Briar I’d get her away from the Romanos, and I meant it. Meanwhile, I told Poppy and Walker I’d help make sure Walker didn’t end up married to someone else, and I meant that too. But I’m trying to keep it so that everyone isn’t talking to each other about all these plans to blindside Beckett, Marco, and even Enzo. So, making deals with Poppy and Briar separately … it’s for their own good. The less they know, the better. The only thing that matters is that they are going to be safe.

“We need to get this cake inside. It’s the last thing they are waiting for.”

Briar stops and looks at me—like, really, really looks at me—and suddenly, I feel paralyzed. I’m fucking frozen, unable to look away. I’ve missed her so fucking much, and I can’t even show her. Right now, we have to pretend like we’re practically strangers, even though that’s the furthest thing from the truth.

She opens her pretty mouth to speak, and I have no fucking idea what’s going to come out. “Whatever you’re planning, he won’t let you get away with it. You know Beckett.”

Good girl. She’s playing along, just like I told her to. She doesn’t realize that she doesn’t need to in front of Poppy. But that’s okay. It’s safer this way for her to act like she’s on Beckett’s side.

I lift the cake and brush past her. We barely touch when I walk by, but it’s enough to set my entire body on fire.

“Walker doesn’t want to marry into the Romano family. We’re here to stop that because Poppy actually gives a flying fuck about him.” I look straight ahead because I know nothing I’m saying is true, but like I said … you never know who is actually listening. And right now, it’s best to pretend like she hates me. “You go on and get married, Dove. I won’t be there to save you.”

I march on, not looking back. Even though I’m just playing the part, I hate saying hurtful things to that woman. I fucking hate it so much.

Even as the ceremony begins, I feel his eyes on me. The only people here right now are Gia’s parents, Beckett and Natasha, and Hudson and me. Oh, and Poppy. Though she’s hiding behind a huge cake.

Even Rossi seems to have disappeared. Then again, I think he and Hudson switched shifts.

My brother is standing next to a beautiful woman, and yet it’s like he’s not even there. He doesn’t look at Gia with any sort of love or adoration, though that shouldn’t surprise me at all.

“Is there anyone here who has reason to believe that Gia and Walker should not be wed?” the pastor says, looking around at all of us standing outside.

When his eyes land on Beckett’s, he grows nervous. I’m sure Beckett didn’t want that question to be asked to begin with.

“Actually, yeah. Yeah, there is,” Hudson’s deep voice drawls slowly, shocking me to my core and sending my mouth hanging open. “These two are barely adults. They don’t know each other, oh, and they aren’t getting married by choice either.” He takes a step forward, keeping a harsh glare on my uncle. “As a matter of fact, both are in love with other people.”

“Jesus Christ,” Beckett growls, and the pastor immediately looks pissed.

“Consider yourself fired, Hercules,” Beckett snarls at Hudson. “And see yourself out.”

“Nah, think I’ll stay,” Hudson replies with a smirk. “My friend here isn’t leaving without cake.” He waves his hand toward Poppy, who, reluctantly, magically pops out from behind the cake. “After all, we went through all the trouble of toting the fucking thing here.”

“Motherfucker,” Beckett huffs before he looks anxiously toward Marco. “Sorry about this. I’ll get him sorted out. Nothing to worry about.”

“Nah, I don’t think you will though.” Hudson speaks each word with a certain sharpness. Something that shows he isn’t going to stand down. “See, Dr. Boobie, I have dirt on you. Loads and loads of dirt. So much that I could bury your ass alive right now if I wanted.”

Hudson then moves toward Marco. “And don’t think you’re getting off scot-free, my friend. I have videos of your business receiving pretty large drug shipments. You know, Mr. Romano, I figured you were smarter than that. Turns out, you’re just like this clown.” He jerks his thumb toward my uncle.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. This whole insane fucking wedding is called off. Beckett, you’re going to leave your nephew and your niece alone. If that’s what she wants.” He waves toward Walker. “I already know this kid wants to sever all ties with you.

“And, Marco, you’re going to let Gia live her life and leave her the fuck alone and keep her out of your twisted little games.” He stands taller, somehow appearing bigger and more jacked, even though I have no idea how that’s possible. “And if you don’t, then you can kiss everything you’ve both worked for goodbye because this is just a drop in the bucket of the shit I have on both of you.”

Marco is fuming mad, but he doesn’t fight back. “Fine. Gia, let’s go.” He jerks his thumb toward his wife, snarling at her. “What are you standing around for? Let’s go.”

“Oh, and, Marco? If Mrs. Romano wants away from you, your ass is going to give her a divorce and a big lump sum of money.” He gives her a playful wink. “It’s all in the body language, ma’am. I wouldn’t want to be married to a dick like him either. Even if he is filthy rich.”

“And has good hair,” my brother says, pointing toward Marco’s head of luxurious hair.

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