Page 57 of Ruthless

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Slowly, she nods. “Yes. But that doesn’t mean I should lie down and take it.” She huffs in a breath. “No more though. I’m not letting you or Walker go down without a fight.”

I glance around, making sure no one is close by. “Just lie low for now, okay? I think … I think it’ll all work itself out.” I chew the inside of my cheek. “At least, I sure hope so.”

Releasing me, she bobs her head up and down quickly. “Anything you want, Briar.”

Taking my arm, she leads me into the house. And even though it’s not much, each time I gain a person to fight alongside me, it gives me a little glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe … it will all be okay.

I lie on my bed, looking through my sketchbook. My hands run over the drawing of a dove—a name Hudson has called me since we first met, though I have no idea why. And then he gave me the necklace. I reach up, touching it through my shirt. He said it would keep me safe, but didn’t say why.

A swift knock on my door quickly has me closing my sketchbook.

“Ms. James? It’s Rossi. You have someone who would like to see you.” There’s a short pause, but I don’t answer. “It’s Gia, Enzo’s sister. She’d just like to come in for a few minutes. If that’s okay, that is.”

I pull my knees to my chest, chewing my lip nervously. I knew she would be here—obviously. Her mom and dad too. I guess I just thought I’d be left alone. I hoped I would anyway.

“Look, Briar. I’m not insane like the rest of my family, I swear.” A female’s voice comes through the door now. “I just really want to talk to you. Rossi can even stay inside while we chat if that makes you feel more comfortable.”

I stare at the door, not really knowing what to do.

“Please, girl. Just let me in. All I need is five minutes of your time,” she pleads. “After that, you can have this handsome fella toss me out on my ass.”

Slowly, I scooch to the edge of the bed and make my way toward the door. Pulling it open, I think my mouth hangs open when I come face-to-face with the infamous Gia. Her father rarely spoke of her, same with his wife. And I never saw a picture of her either. But of course, she is absolutely breathtaking.

Her dark hair pairs well with her tanned skin and beautiful brown eyes. But her lash extensions take away from how gorgeous her eyes really are, and part of me kind of wants to pluck them off.

Don’t do that, Briar. That’s just plain weird, I tell myself silently, disturbed by even my own thoughts.

“Hi,” she says, the corner of her lips turning up. “I meant what I said. Feel free to have this fella toss me out.” She winks at Rossi. “But if you do, make it sexy.”

He frowns before shaking his head. “Ms. James, do you want to talk to her in your room? Or would you prefer to go on a walk around the property?”

At the word walk, my ears perk up. “A walk sounds nice.” I cringe. “Am I allowed to though?”

“To walk? Um, I hope so, girl. This is your house,” Gia quickly says, putting a hand on her hip and looking at Rossi. “She can do whatever she damn well pleases, right, buddy?”

He gives her an annoyed look. “Yes, Ms. Romano. She is welcome to go outside on the property.” He stops. “I’ll just … keep an eye on you, is all.”

She gives him a pointed look. “You’re going to follow two young girls around? Really?” She looks at me, rolling her eyes. “Did my brother put him up to this? Fucking psychopath. Just like our dad.”

She tips her chin up toward Rossi. “You can run off and tell him I said that too. I’m not scared of him. Unlike everyone else in this world.”

His jaw tenses slightly with frustration. “The ceremony starts in a few hours, and I don’t see you wearing a white dress.” He waves his hand at Gia’s current attire, which consists of shorts and a crop top. “So, if you’re going for that walk, best get going now.”

“I should wear black,” Gia mutters. “Because that’s how I feel about marrying Walker fucking James.”

Ignoring her comment, I nod at Rossi and slide a pair of shoes on. “Ready,” I say quickly, heading out my bedroom door and past them.

As I lead us down the stairs, I hear Gia mutter something to Rossi about him being a creepy stalker.

I hear Beckett’s voice, but I don’t see him. I keep my feet light as I head down the hallway and push the large door open, Gia close behind.

Heading toward the walking path that Beckett put in for Natasha, I feel Gia come beside me. Rossi stays back, as if he’s trying to give us some space.

“Is he a spy for my brother?” she whispers, putting her head closer to mine.

“Rossi?” I say lightly. “Don’t worry about him. He’s probably not even paying attention to us.”

As if on cue, we both turn around and glance back at him. Sure enough, he’s hanging a ways back, looking out toward the woods instead of at us.

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