Page 41 of Ruthless

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“Touch the girl, and I’ll blow your brains all over that fucking whore dancing behind you,” Enzo growls, nodding toward the stripper. “The deal wasn’t you fucking her tonight, Harmon. You knew this when you came tonight.”

“But what does it matter? If you’re going to take her to the island anyway, why can’t I take her for a test ride tonight?” He waves toward the women dry-humping Enzo. “Hell, I mean, looks like you already have these two.”

“That’s not how this works, Harm.” Enzo’s lip twitches with an angry smirk. “You, like a lot of others here tonight, are here to get a look at all that’s to come. All the fresh meat.” He raises his eyebrows. “And hopefully, you’ll open your wallet up and invest in all of the … exciting things coming to the island.”

“So, you’re telling me that I came here tonight for nothing.” Harmon is less than impressed, his eyes moving between Briar and Enzo. “Gotta tell you, Enzo, your dad never would have dragged me out and sent me home empty-handed.”

Sitting back, Enzo suddenly shoves the two women away, making them both land on their asses. “You do realize you’re in my club, Harmon? If I were you, I’d watch the tone you’re using.” Enzo’s black eyes stare at him, and I know he’s close to snapping. “Fuck that stripper. Fuck that pole behind you. Hell, fuck my guard right in the ass for all I care. But this one?” He points to Briar. “Until the day I move her ass to the island, she’s off-limits. She will obey no one but me.”

“I understand,” Harmon says, looking around the room. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, there are a lot of pretty women in here.”

Enzo waves him off, and once he’s gone, his attention floats back to Briar. “That man is going to be one of our most loyal customers at Vittoria Island. And he took a liking to you.”

He takes a cigar from his pocket and lights it. Puffing out the thick white smoke, he looks toward one of the closest strippers and pats his leg. Within seconds, she makes his way over to him and has his shirt torn open, kissing down his chest.

“I don’t need you staying here too long, trying to fuck all of my potential investors. But before you go home, go walk around the club, Briar. And be sure to pull the dress down a little in the front. Tonight, I’m selling you.” He takes another pull from his cigar. “But if I find out you let any motherfucker in here touch you, you know what’ll happen, baby girl.”

Waving to me, he points to the woman he’s supposed to be marrying. “Keep an eye on her, would you? Everyone knows I’m bringing some women tonight as a little sampler of what’s to come at Vittoria Island. But if Harmon or anyone else tries to fuck her, you make sure they know they’ve fucked up.”

The stripper unbuckles his belt, but before she can start sucking his dick out in the open, I give him a nod and lead Briar out into the club.

Enzo is on a whole other level tonight, and I’m guessing it’s because he’s so fucked up on coke or whatever else he snorted. It makes no sense that he wants to parade her around and offer her to people to sleep with once she’s at Vittoria Island, but before then, he doesn’t want anyone to even lay a finger on her. Just another example of how fucked up in the head the dude is.

Every part of me wants to grab her right now and get her the fuck out of here. And I will, but I have to do it in a way that he won’t think we left too early.

Once we’re out of the VIP room and the doors close behind us, her face turns cold. “I cannot spend another day like this. Being looked at by some old fucking pervert?” She waves her hand back toward the doors we just came from. “I can’t do this, Hudson. I’m ready to go home.” Her eyes find mine, and there’s a certain sadness in them tonight. “And I don’t mean the complex. I mean … home.”

I want to pull her against me and tell her it’s all going to be okay. I have the protection to get her out of here right now. But the problem is, it’d put everything else in jeopardy. We’ve all given up so much of our lives to be here. We’re so close. And if we find Vittoria Island and are able to shut it down, we’re going to save so many people from having to go through the horrific shit that goes down there.

“I know, sweetheart. I know.” I nod slowly. “Just hold on a little longer, okay? I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You have my word.”

Watching the old, nasty, perverted man, Harmon, walk out of the VIP room and toward the regular club area, I smirk. The last thing I want to do is have his eyes on Briar’s body again. But I’m about to set that motherfucker up and get us the hell out of here.

When I see him take a seat at the bar, I turn toward Briar. I keep enough distance between us that if Enzo has us being watched, we look like we’re hardly talking, but I’m close enough that she can hear me.

“You’re going to go order a drink at the very end of the bar. And when your friend tries to talk to you, you’re going to be polite. Not too friendly, but … nice. Okay?”

Her eyes move to the bar and widen. “Seriously?”

“Behind him, there are a hundred other monsters in this club tonight,” I tell her the truth. “If he fucks up right now, I can beat his ass and get you out of here. I saw the way he looked at you. He’s going to try again. And when he does, I’ll be there.”

She takes a long, deep breath. Her chest slowly falls as she lets it out. She stands tall and completely fearless as she heads toward the bar.

Taking a seat at the end, with only two empty barstools between her and Harmon, she raises her hand, and within seconds, the bartender is asking her what she’ll have.

“Vodka, please,” she answers. “With just a squeeze of lime juice.”

A minute later, the bartender slides her the drink, and as she brings it to her lips, Harmon’s eyes are on her mouth. Only this time, I’m going to get to put my hands on him.

I stand back enough so that he doesn’t notice me.

Yet I can still hear what he says when he tells her, “That’s quite a dress.”

I can tell that her skin is crawling from the compliment, but even so, she keeps calm and gives him a polite smile. “Thank you.”

A moment later, he moves to the stool next to hers, leaning in closely. Only now, I can’t hear what he’s saying as he whispers in her ear. But I see the panic in her eyes. I watch his fingers brush her thigh, dragging up her leg, and that’s all I need. Within seconds, I have him by the throat, his head bashed against the bar.

“I think you were told to stay away from Ms. James,” I roar. “Were you not?”

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