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Could she justify kissing him a dozen times first?

That was selfish and the opposite of what either of them needed. She’d get home and then she’d end this fantasy with Miles. Hopefully he’d come to his senses and go back to his Lily.

Her heart thudded dully in her chest. How was she going to rip her own heart out?



Miles was flying high even as the plane settled on the tarmac. He had Eva’s hand in his and the memory of another unreal series of kisses on his lips. He was bursting with all the things he wanted to say to her, but he would wait until they were at her house and settled in. They could talk and talk for hours, then plan their future and kiss every spare minute.

He’d never been so lit up and ecstatic. Being with Eva was better than any successful mission, adventure thrill with parachute, surfboard, bike, or horse. He’d heard that quick relationships would burn out quick, but he felt just the opposite. His feelings for Lily had never been like this. He and Eva were just getting started. Their relationship was special, unique, and genuine. She was resilient and independent, the perfect fit for him. They would only build and soar from here.

They loaded up with Paul in an Escalade and he drove them to Eva’s house, explaining more about what had happened with Autumn and Ryken, the police reports and what Eva would need to do to complete those, the security Aiden’s people had installed, that Aiden would have someone watching over her until she hired her own security or signed a contract with him, and how Autumn was doing.

Was Eva growing more closed off the closer they got to her house? Was her smile too forced? What if she used her acting skills to hide what she really felt?

Doubts started tickling at his brain, but he couldn’t give into them. He was getting a second chance with the only woman in the world for him. The way she’d kissed him and the way she was clinging to his hand and leaning into his shoulder told him she felt the same.

She’d been upset about him and Lily. Who wouldn’t be? That was over and behind them. Lily was ready to be done and they both would be happier, as long as Lily was safe and turned to Clint if the situation she’d been using a ‘Navy SEAL boyfriend’ to keep her safe from got worse.

He and Eva could move through their pasts, share, and grow together. Eva would understand about Lily. Of course she would.

The tightness in his chest told him otherwise.

Paul walked them into the house. Two of Aiden’s guards, Josh and Tyler, greeted them and shook their hands. They showed Eva the damage to her bedroom, which was actually pretty minimal: a vase, a hole in the wall, and a shattered mirror. They’d already cleaned it all up, except the hole that would need sheetrock and paint.

They explained how her new security system worked and sent the link to the cameras and sensors to her phone. They explained it would also be monitored at Aiden’s security center at his main property in Long Island and one of them would be close by, staying in the VRBO that Paul had found and doing rotations every hour.

They thanked the men and Paul. Then Eva shut the door behind them. She didn’t arm the alarm.

She turned to Miles, and she looked exhausted and concerned. Her deep-brown eyes had lost their sparkle.

“Hey.” Miles gathered her close.

She clung to him, and her body trembled against his.

He held her for a few beats and she gradually relaxed, curling into him. Her head was in the crook of his neck, and he knew she was his perfect fit.

“You’re worn out,” he said. He was anxious to talk things out with her, but she’d been through a lot of stress and upheaval in a short time.

“I am,” she admitted, looking up at him.

It was early afternoon. Did he dare suggest he stay here while she take a nap? Would that make her feel safer or push her boundaries? He’d been protecting her for only a day and a half, but he felt she was his to protect and care for. Going back to work on Tuesday would be rough. He’d never felt that way before. He’d lived for the hard work, camaraderie, and fulfillment of his Navy career.

“I can leave, let you get some rest.” He chose his words carefully, watching her face. When she looked relieved, he didn’t know how to take it. “I’ll bring some takeout by later. We can eat and talk everything through.” He waited, praying she wouldn’t say no.

“Miles …” She pressed a hand to her forehead. “I don’t know that talking is going to accomplish anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“You loved Lily for a very long time.” He started to protest, but she held up a hand. “You hardly know me. I know you don’t want to admit this, even to yourself, but I’m afraid you’re enamored with me because of my fame. Please, I’ve seen this play out too many times. Don’t do this to Lily or to me.”

“I am enamored with you.”

She nodded, as if she’d dialed in his motivation.

“But it has nothing to do with you being famous.” He stepped in close and gently ran the tip of his finger over the top of her eyebrow and to the side of her eye. “I’m enamored with the sparkle in your deep-brown eyes and the way I can see into your soul, connect with you in a single glance. Like I did the first time I saw you.”

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