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He raced back down the beach, his legs churning up the distance to the out-of-anybody’s-league Eva Chevron, when he heard a female scream for help.

His senses prickled and his race became a sprint. He strained to hear the call again. It had come from close to where he’d seen Eva. Was she in danger? He approached her patio and couldn’t see her or anyone standing there. Was the call for help one of her neighbors? Should he call 911 or get closer to investigate?

“Help! Help! Help!” He heard the pleas from exactly where he’d seen Eva. She must be on the floor of the patio. The thick wooden enclosure made it impossible to see what was happening or who was calling for help, but he was certain it was her.

He detoured toward her lit patio. As he approached, he could see over the barrier. A large man lay on top of a much smaller body, a pillow shoved over her face, the long, dark hair splayed out on the gray concrete.

Miles didn’t stop to think or question as he leaped over the railing and drilled his shoulder straight into the man’s chest with the force of a wrecking ball.

The man was launched off of Eva and slammed into the couch behind him. He recovered quickly, cursed, and came back swinging.

Miles loved a good fight as much as anyone, but he had to make sure Eva was alive, not waste time brawling. He grabbed the offered fist and flipped the guy onto the concrete in a good imitation of a Judo throw. Giving his opponent no chance to react or recover, Miles landed a fist to the man’s temple and followed it up with another fist, then an elbow. The huge attacker went limp and didn’t respond.

Turning to Eva, he scurried to her side. She was splayed on her back, not moving. He threw the pillow to the side, felt for a pulse, and was rewarded with a strong beat.

“Thank you,” he breathed to heaven above.

He bent low to check for breathing. Her warm breath on his cheek reassured him. Unconscious but breathing, and she had a strong pulse.

Before he could pull back, her eyes blinked open.

Those deep-brown eyes. They reached into his very soul, healed, strengthened, and lifted him.

Crush? No way. This was a full-blown connection at first glance and love at second glance. He smiled. If any of his brothers could hear his thoughts, he’d never live it down. But they weren’t staring into Eva Chevron’s long-lashed, chocolate-brown, soul-capturing eyes.

“What … You …” She blinked at him as if she felt then draw but then fear filled her gaze and she squeaked out, “Please. Can you help me?”

“It’s okay.” He eased back onto his haunches and pointed at the unconscious man. “He’s out cold. We’ll get the police on their way.”

She looked from the man to him and back. “Thank you,” she whispered, closing her eyes as if her head were exploding. It probably was. Waking up after being knocked unconscious wasn’t a great feeling. He’d been there.

Eva sat up, holding her head and staring at him. “Who are you?”

“I’m Miles.”

“The runner,” she said, recognition filling her eyes.

“Yes, ma’am. I turned around to head back and heard you yell for help.”

“Thank you again. You saved my life.” Her voice was breathless. Did that have anything to do with him and the intense draw he imagined they had between them or almost being killed?

“It’s nothing.” He smiled at her, and she tentatively returned it. Saving her life wasn’t nothing, but he’d never be the guy to brag about being her hero. Even if he wanted to be.

The man groaned and stirred. Miles coolly pivoted toward him, rolled him onto his stomach, and pinned him down, yanking his arm behind his back. The man cursed and flailed. By simply sliding the man’s wrist a couple inches higher toward his neck, Miles got him into a state of tense, though unmoving, compliance.

“You wouldn’t happen to have some rope?” Miles asked.

“Of course I do.” She sprang to her feet but swayed.

“Take it slow,” Miles cautioned. “He’s not going anywhere.”

She grinned at him. Grinned. Miles almost lost his grip on the improbable yoga stretch the perp was maintaining. “You are some kind of superhero, aren’t you, military man?”

Miles couldn’t resist grinning back, ignoring the curses and threats the perp was uttering. How did she know he was military? “No, ma’am. Just a cowboy doing a good turn.”

“A cowboy and a soldier?” She whistled and looked him over. “Now that is quite the appealing combination.”

Was Eva Chevron flirting with him? His chest expanded and his cheeks heated up. Miles had never been so tempted to share that he was a Navy SEAL Lieutenant. His papa had taught them not to brag or puff themselves up, even though Mama bragged about her sons to anyone who would listen. He held his tongue.

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