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“You got it.” He offered an elbow. “Breakfast?”

“Oh no.” She tugged at the hem of the T-shirt, nightgown, whatever she was wearing. “I’ve got to clean up. Get dressed. If the paparazzi catch you un-pretty and without makeup on, dressed in something comfortable you can actually sleep in …” She made a choking sound low in her throat, grasping at her pretty neck.

Miles chuckled and could not resist stepping up close to her. “Eva, I’ve got some news for you.”

She tilted her head back and her lips parted. She moistened them, and every system in his body revved into overdrive. How was he supposed to resist this perfect-for-him-woman?

Throughout the past twelve years on his visits home, he had spent time with Lily and wasn’t tempted to touch her, hadn’t even thought about it. They’d sit shoulder to shoulder watching a movie, then he’d give her a perfunctory hug or kiss at the end of the night and feel the comfort of being close to a long-time friend.

With Eva, he couldn’t stand to be a foot away. His good friend Quaid Raven had told him when he met Anna he had every reason to fight the draw to her, most of all Anna’s safety from his demented mother, and still he’d been unable to resist her at times. That’s how he felt with Eva after less than a day of knowing her. She was irresistible to him.

“What news is that?” she asked.

“Well, first of all, you aren’t going to be seeing any paparazzi for a bit.”

“Yes!” She punched both fists in the air and almost knocked him in the chin.

He chuckled, set his hat on a decorated side table, and wrapped both hands around her small, clenched fists. He tucked her hands against his chest. Every touch with her was natural, incredible, thrilling.

Her breath shortened and her hands softened within his grasp. He rubbed his thumbs across the back of her hands and lost his train of thought. He feared she’d pull away, but she seemed interested in him, not leery as she’d been at times last night.

“So what you’re saying is I can wear this comfy nightshirt around, with my hair in tangles and no makeup on, pull faces at Easton, eat real pancakes with homemade syrup, and nobody is going to snap a picture and go viral on the internet or splay it on the rag tags at the grocery store checkout line?”

“Yes, ma’am. That is what I’m saying.” He kept rubbing his thumbs along the backs of her hands, mesmerized by her dark eyes and how perfectly her hands fit in his.

“And what was the second thing?” Her dark eyes sparkled with anticipation.

“Second thing?”

“You said first of all,” she reminded him. “That generally intones there’s a second of all.”

He chuckled.

“I’d like to hear more. Since you’re giving me fabulous news that is counteracting the fact that I’m hunted by faceless and menacing gnomes who reside in the dark web.”

He laughed even harder. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re delightful?”

“Oh, all the time.” She winked. “But I’ve never heard that word from the lips of a Navy SEAL cowboy hero. I like the new look, by the way.”

“Thank you. It’s actually the old look. Personally, I’m a fan of the comfy nightshirt look.”

“Are you now? You can thank Autumn later.”

“I will make that a priority.” Miles was in so much trouble. He had two choices currently—kiss Eva, or run to find Lily and break it off and then return and kiss Eva. He had to go with option number two. He had to. His body rebelled against him, edging closer. Stay strong, he begged himself. By tonight he could be a free man. If he had his way, he’d be a committed to Eva man, and he’d be thrilled to end his freedom moments after he proclaimed it. Captured by Eva sounded like the best state a man could be in.

“So, number two?” She smiled as if him constantly losing his train of thought around her was a normal and natural thing. It was, but he wasn’t used to it. He was the lieutenant; he was in charge. His words were obeyed. He didn’t have the luxury of losing his train of thought. This crazy situation they’d been thrown into was a break for him in a way, too. Aiden, Autumn, Paul and Aiden’s tech team were doing the hard work while he relaxed and focused on Eva.

“Number two.” He drew in a breath and knew he should hold these thoughts until he was officially broken up with Lily. He’d been described as the most ‘pathetically-loyal long-distance boyfriend’ in history by many of his buddies in the military and his brothers. He’d been proud of his loyalty, worn it like a badge until it started poking him in the chest, the guilty thoughts constantly nagging at him that Lily needed to be free and move on, even if she didn’t realize it.

Right now he wanted to switch those loyalties to Eva. Would she believe him when he explained it all, or would it upset her? She’d been upset at Aiden’s when he didn’t kiss her and admitted he had a girl back home. Right now, she wasn’t upset. Her eyes sparkled, her lips were soft, and she was close enough he could smell her sweet coconut scent.

“Number two,” he repeated, and let his gaze sweep over her face. “You couldn’t look ‘un-pretty’ if you tried. Your beauty is natural and shines from the inside out because of your kindness and genuineness and the light of Christ that radiates from you.”

Eva studied him and then her lower lip trembled. Miles wanted to kiss that lip desperately. “That might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

Miles almost scoffed at that. She was heralded for her beauty and talent by media and talk show hosts around the world. She was desired by every man he knew, except his dad and his married friends. She was the most beautiful woman the world over. He held his tongue because he knew she was sincere in her response, and he would never scoff at her.

“Eva …” His voice was gravelly. “I would love to say much nicer things to you, morning, noon, and night.”

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