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She took another drink of her water bottle and left it in the cup holder. Standing, she felt disoriented and dizzy.

Miles sprang to his feet and wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her in to his solid, steady, warm, perfect, desirable, bergamot and pineapple, head-clouding, enticing side. Okay, she had to stop this. Where was Autumn or Tasha when she needed them? A girlfriend or sister would be such a help. There was too much stress surrounding tonight, and her longing for Miles was helping nothing.

She peered up into Miles’s eyes. In the dim light, they were more of a smoky blue. How did he smell so enticingly manly? “Was I teetering like the town drunk?”

“I don’t know. We don’t have a town drunk in Coleville.” He winked and grinned.

She laughed. “Ha ha. Only in Wyoming can anybody drink excessively.”

He smiled. “You did look unsteady though. Which is why I … wrapped you up.”

“Is that the only reason?” She could’ve bitten her own tongue in half.

His eyes darkened, and she thought he might show her the real reason he wrapped her up, but he only asked, “Are you all right?”

“Sure. Exhausted, overwhelmed, terrified, wishing I had my purse and phone and my bed and my life back.”

“I’m sorry to take all those things from you. I will take care of you, Eva. Aiden and his people are incredible. They will fix all of this.”

“Thank you.”

She moistened her lips, and his gaze sharpened on her mouth. His arm around her made her feel like she was happily floating. Before she could even think about what she was doing, she wrapped her palms around his broad shoulders and was pulling herself up toward his enticing mouth.

The cockpit door opened, and Miles quickly turned her with his arm. “The bathroom is this way.”


He walked her to the bathroom as if she were an old lady who’d lost her cane. Opening the door, he ushered her in. Automatic lights came on, and Eva shut the door—too firmly. She looked in the mirror. It was worse than she thought. Red-rimmed eyes, dark smudges underneath her eyes from mascara that hadn’t stayed put, and no lip-stain left on her dry-looking lips. Oh, boy. She looked worse than a drowned rat.

What did it matter? Miles was taken. Had he leaned down, or had she only arched up? As she replayed the near-kiss in her mind, she realized with horror … She had been the only one who’d made a move. The only willing participant. He also hadn’t risen to her baiting him and asking if he had another reason for wrapping her up in his arms.

Ah, no. She pressed a hand to her forehead. Miles was acting as her bodyguard, wrapping an arm around her to steady her and saying he’d take care of her. She took every look, every touch, every kind word as if he wanted to kiss her.

Out of control. That’s what she was. Desperate for love? Maybe Lake had destroyed her confidence just like her sister Tasha had feared. When she first went to Hollywood and had quick success, she’d dated a lot of actors, athletes, and influencers. She’d learned that they were looking for the ‘next best thing’. For years she’d kept herself safe emotionally and physically, perfecting the art of being kind and fun but distant. Except for her mistake of trusting Lake. Her feelings toward Miles were strong, unexpected. In her mind, they had something unique, but that couldn’t be true for him.

Somehow, she needed to keep her distance from her own bodyguard. That wouldn’t work. She needed to channel some of Autumn’s sass, then, and pray for strength.

Please help me not throw myself at Miles and be obsessed with him. Please bless that Aiden, Paul, and Autumn can fix the huge mess I’m in and I can return home.

It was interesting to note that she was obsessed with Miles. She’d had many, many men obsessed with her. Jorge Augilar had been the most terrifying, but she’d had stalking situations, notes, presents, flowers, men calling to her that she was meant to be their wife. Now she was the one obsessing over a too-appealing man. It was worse from this angle. At least she could gain some empathy for her male fans through the experience.

She used the bathroom quickly, washed her hands, splashed some water on her face, and rummaged through the cupboards. She found lip gloss, travel-size mascara, and vanilla-scented lotion. Ah, that was thoughtful. She hurriedly eradicated the black smudges, fixed her mascara, and put on the lip gloss and lotion. Bless whoever had left these on the plane. Most likely Chalisa Porter. Too late, she realized it was crossing boundaries to use someone’s lip gloss and mascara. It was the country girl coming out in her.

“Sorry,” she muttered to Chalisa.

At least she looked more like herself. She could face Miles with her chin held high. She walked out and Miles was waiting for her. He smiled, holding the small suitcase.

“Paul just gave the all-clear to exit the aircraft. My brother’s waiting.”

“Which brother?”


“That was nice of the sheriff to come.”

“I doubt Aiden gave him much choice.” He smiled, but it was grim. “Let’s get you home so you can rest.”

She stared at him. Get you home? It wasn’t her home. Was he feeling awkward taking her ‘home’ when he had a girl at home? Would she meet this lucky woman? She prayed not.

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