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“Disappear?” She leaned against the counter. “How can I just disappear? I have scenes to finish. I was supposed to go see my family.”

“We can work out a plan to keep you safe, Eva, and eliminate the threats, but you’re going to have to trust me.”

A thick silence fell, and Eva worried her lip. Miles didn’t know how to help. He had to get back to base, back to his men in four days.

As he studied Eva, he stewed about what he could do to help, if anything.

“You’re Aiden Porter,” Eva finally said. “I know you’re trustworthy and I pray you’ll forgive me for lashing out, but this is huge and scary and it’s my life being flipped upside down.”

“I understand that, Eva.” Aiden’s voice was soft. “I’m only trying to keep you safe and take out the threats without any risk to you. This is what I do, and I’m very, very good at it. In fact, I’m an expert.”

Miles almost smiled at that. Aiden would never be called humble, but he was a trustworthy and successful security expert.

“I know you are,” Eva said. “I’ve heard the chatter.”

“Well, then …” Aiden’s voice had a hint of a tease in it now. “Miles? Are you ready to be temporarily employed by Porter Enterprises?”

“Um … what?” Miles was a step behind.

“You’ve already gained her trust. You’re right there. And to be completely honest, though I’ll deny this if either of you have loose lips, my operatives are spread thin with Benjamin Oliver still on the loose and the need to protect many people from his deviousness and retaliations until I can rip him out of whatever hole he’s hiding in.”

Miles could imagine Aiden and Quaid were both busy protecting innocent victims Benjamin might target and hunting the man down. A defensive and offensive game with far too many innocents at risk and pitted against one of the most brilliant criminals any of them had dealt with.

“I will put my best people on solving Eva’s dilemma,” Aiden continued. “Shouldn’t take long. I’ve got the connections to get you leave from your unit and I believe you know the place to keep a famed beauty safe for an unspecified amount of time.”

Miles wanted to help and be there for Eva. He hoped it was for unselfish reasons, but he couldn’t deny he’d like the chance to get to know her. If he could take her to Coleville, Montana, be near his family, and maybe have the long overdue conversation with Lily, he would be saying loads of prayers of gratitude.

“Aiden,” he began, focused on Eva to see how she was taking all of this. “If you wanted to work your magic for a temporary leave from my unit, I could stay by Eva’s side and take her to the ranch while your people research and eliminate the threats.”

“What a brilliant idea. I thought you’d never offer,” Aiden said, all cheery and smart-alecky. “Done from my end. Eva? Are you comfortable with Miles as your primary bodyguard? He will take you to a secure location. To a family of tough cowboys who protected Jacqueline Oliver for over a year without even a hint of a lead getting to her.”

“That is impressive.” Eva was still worrying her lip, but her shoulders weren’t bunched as tightly around her ears. “What family is that?”

“Mine,” Miles said, offering her a smile.

She didn’t return it.



Eva stared at Miles. What was she supposed to say? She’d never been more interested in a man, and he had a girlfriend. Why did he want to protect her, take her to his family’s secure ranch, take leave from his unit to be there for her? Simply because she was famous, or he was just that honorable of a man? It didn’t add up in her head that he had a girlfriend or ‘girl back home’, whatever that meant. Had that been an excuse so he wouldn’t have to kiss Eva?

She was going insane worrying about Miles’s girlfriend and his intentions toward her, and she should be worried about Ryken, Jorge, and the sadistic people who were offering all this money on the dark web to kidnap her.

But she did trust Miles. He’d rescued her tonight and proven he could keep her safe. She knew he was a good guy, an impressive warrior, and he would be there for her. She was simply annoyed about this faceless girl and wondering how she’d keep a distance from Miles when he felt like the man she’d longed for all her life. Being around him made her question why she’d ever dated a pompous snake like Lake. Miles was the complete and ideal man for her. His touch was like a fairy tale.

And he had a girl back home. The plan was to go to his home. What would that mean? Maybe his intentions were all focused on that girl. Aiden would get him leave and Miles could go see his lady. Ugh.

“Are you comfortable with this arrangement, Eva?” Aiden asked.

“Yes,” she said before she could chicken out. She didn’t have a better option. She doubted there was a better option out there. Aiden Porter’s talented team would track down and take out the bad guys and she’d get to stay close to the handsome Navy SEAL lieutenant who made her feel safe. Now to keep her head ‘screwed on straight’ as her dad would say and not make the moves on Miles.

“You won’t regret it. Miles is over-qualified, and he’ll keep you safe. Paul, my pilot, and Autumn, one of my top operatives, will be there soon. Paul will escort you to Montana and then return to California and focus on this job. Autumn will get ahold of your friends and family, Eva, and spread the word you have a vicious flu bug and they shouldn’t visit. She’ll hunker down at your beach home. She’s very good at impersonation.”

“Won’t that put her in danger?” Eva asked.

“She loves danger.” Aiden chuckled, and Miles smiled. “We’ll see who we can flush out. See who comes to visit and risks getting sick. Autumn will bring some extra clothes and toiletries for you to take with you. I’m sure Mama Millie will have plenty waiting for you as well. Prepare to be smothered, I mean nurtured, by the best in the industry.” Aiden chuckled.

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