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“Our mother allowed me to attend the university?”

“You had guards. Believe me, you weren’t free. Your bodyguards’ primary purpose was to keep you in line. You lived by yourself and weren’t allowed to form friendships or date. Except for the men mother forced you to date, that is.”

“I don’t admire myself.” Her straight lips twisted. “Why did I not stand up to her?”

“Jacey.” Quaid let out a harsh breath. “You are brave and incredible. If you could only see yourself as I see you. Once, when Mother’s men were closing around me, you pushed through their legs, dug your fingernails into one of their arms, and screamed they would have to kill you to hurt me.”

Cade felt his heart lurch. He suspected Quaid was withholding a multitude of stories like this one. He could only imagine a young, brave, and yet terrified Jacey fighting for her brother. He wanted to rewind time and rescue her.

Jacey’s mouth went slack and her eyes got bright.

“Father appeared and they miraculously stood down. Don’t you dare disparage yourself or your bravery, Jace. I wouldn’t have survived without you. I would never have escaped without your encouragement and help. You were my safe space as a child and teenager. Even though you’re three years younger, I trusted and loved you and kept living sometimes only to be there for you. Then you gave me freedom and I’m grateful I could return the favor. It was torture waiting so long to set you free. When your memories return, you’ll remember … what I’ve shared and horrifically so much more. The way she’d slowly carve up my back, dig a knife under my fingernails, or have her men use me for a punching bag if you or Elizabeth weren’t perfect.”

Her breath shortened and her eyes widened.

Cade almost cautioned Quaid, but somehow her brother sensed he’d gone too far. “Forgive me,” he said. “I’ve been trying to avoid giving you too much detail. But please don’t get down on yourself. You are my light and my closest friend next to Anna. You are an unselfish inspiration. Despite all you went through, alone for eight years while I was hiding from Mother in the Navy, you never played the victim, and you kept your mind and your spirit strong. You love Jesus and He loves you.”

Tears brightened Jacey’s eyes. “Thank you, brother,” she whispered.

“Thank you.”

There was silence for a beat.

“I fear I’ve shared too much. I should’ve stopped?—”

“No. I needed to hear it,” Jacey said.

“All right.” He paused, then said, “Do you have other questions, or have we done enough for today?”

“It’s enough,” she said quickly.

Cade studied her. She looked tired, but he didn’t dare ask her to rest.

“Okay.” Another pause. “Jace … I’m putting out breadcrumbs on the dark web through Aiden’s IT experts, and we’re certain Catherine will find me.”

“Pardon me?” Jacey put a hand to her chest. “You said you were pursuing her, but now you’re endangering yourself?”

He chuckled. “I’ve got the most incredible friends, Jace. Men who aren’t afraid of Catherine’s henchmen and can win any battle. I only tell you this because I don’t dare come see you and risk leading her to you. She always wanted you under her control because you made everybody compliant—me, Dad, even Elizabeth. To keep you safe, I have to stay away. I’m so sorry.”

“I understand.” Her lip quivered. “I know you are protecting myself and Anna and many others. You are a hero, Quaid. Don’t worry about me. Please do what you need to do.”

“Thanks, Jace.”

She smiled, but it was tremulous. “I will be praying for you. Love you.”

“I’m always praying for you. Love you back.”

The line went dead.

Jacey sniffled, and Cade wondered if she wanted some space. He’d selfishly taken a break earlier because he’d been upset about Clint. Did she need a break now, or did she need him close by?

“What can I do?” he asked tentatively.

“Hold me.”

“Happily.” He probably shouldn’t have said that, but it wasn’t a hardship to gather her into his arms and hold her close to his side.

She trembled in his arms, buried her face in his neck, and cried quietly. She didn’t wrap her arms around him but clasped them together against his chest. It didn’t matter. This wasn’t some romantic hug, no matter that he longed for that with her. This was about him comforting and being there for her.

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