Page 23 of Tempting Professor

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The ride to the hospital was one of the hardest of my life.

“Let me see my granddaughter, you fiend.”

“Grammy, stop it. Good grief. I told you, Kara is asleep. You have to keep your voice down. There are other patients here.”

“Oh God, who called Grammy?” Kara grumbled against my chest.

I chuckled. She sounded drunk—and in a way, with the combo of pain meds, something to help with her anxiety, and another to help lower her blood pressure, my girl was a little baked.

“I think Dan did,” I responded, placing a kiss atop her head. “She needed to know there was an accident before it hit the five o’clock news. One of my guys drove her up. She’s been a bit of a handful. The nurses have been trying to keep her placated until you were settled in.”

Kara tugged the blankets over her head just as the door to the room opened. “Where is she? Where is my Karebear?”

“Grammy, for God’s sake.” Dan stumbled in behind her, looking completely over all of this. “I swear, you’ll wake the dead someday.”

“Grammy Jen, she’s okay, a bit sore and a few bruises.”

“Callum, sweetheart, thank you for taking care of my baby girl.”

“My pleasure, really.”

“What did they say?” she asked, taking a seat in the chair beside the bed. Dan made sure she was steady before taking a seat at the end of the bed.

“I’m fine,” Kara’s muffled voice came from under the covers.

Shaking my head, I gently folded the blanket down, giving Jen a full rundown of what had happened. She had bruised ribs, a bruised kidney, and a possible fracture in her hand. Her elbow and shoulder apparently took the brunt of her fall. We know the asshole had kicked her while she was down though, so honestly, that could have been him too. The only place his boot left a mark was on her back, over her kidney.

“I hope he’s dead.”

“Grammy, don’t say that…”

“The Lord will have to forgive me for the ill thoughts, but that man hurt you. He wanted to do worse. Sick bastard.”

“Grammy!” Kara snort-laughed and winced at the rush of pain moving her bruised body caused. I could attest: bruised ribs, chest, and back muscles plus laughing—yeah, it kinda sucked.

“He’s dead, Grammy. Cal put three bullets in his heart.”

She reached her wrinkled, age-spotted hand out, and I clasped it in mine. “Thank you.”

“Stop, I would do it again a hundred times if it meant Kara was safe. Just wish we could have gotten to her sooner. He shouldn’t have ever gotten that close to her.”

“No offense, sonny, but you’re no superhero with eyes all over and superpowers that let you be in three places at once. You got to her and ended the person threatening her, that’s what’s important.”

“He’s my hero,” Kara said, her eyes tearing up.

“Gag me now…” Dan muttered.

Jen, not missing a beat, picked up her handbag and thumped him with it. The look on his face was priceless.

“Ow, hey, Grammy, what the heck, lady.” He rubbed his elbow.

“You stop that.” Her scowl had him holding his hands up. He was far from repentant though. No one was fooled by the display. “Your sister has always had a soft spot for Cal. Your dad used to fret over the day they’d figure out they liked each other.”

“What?” I asked, shocked.

“Boy, don’t you know the night you took her to prom, that man followed you the whole way, spying in windows and through bushes.” Her laughter was contagious.

“Well, I didn’t, but honestly, I’m not surprised.”

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