Page 18 of Tempting Professor

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I felt much better about being in this crowd with my guys looking out for any danger I might miss. With a stalker on Sterling’s level, they were unpredictable at the best of times. Add to that the fact that no one had seen or heard from him since the day she’d decked him…yeah, I was not taking any chances.

My gut was starting to do its ‘danger is near’ dance. I didn’t like this one bit. I wasn’t ready to pull her away, not yet. She was having too much of a good time. I’d ease her out after the fish game. We could always come back tomorrow. The fair would be here until next week as it was. Plenty of time to eat more fair food.

Chapter Seven


If this line didn’t move soon, I was going to be in serious trouble.

I knew I had to pee two drinks ago. But, like a kid in a candy shop, I didn’t want to stop playing games and riding rides. I was doing okay, marginally, until that last bottle of water… Yeah, that might have been the biggest mistake to make right now.

But I was hot after going on the carousel. The amount of bodies piled into that space was stifling. So when I came off, flushed and fanning my face, Mr. Health handed it to me. I knew better than to argue with him. He had a point. Water was good for your kidneys. With the amount of soda I’d already had, it was much-needed.

The janitorial team, two smiling, older gentlemen with key rings the size of my head, came around and said some of the women’s line could move to the other door. They’d decided to open the other side of the bathrooms. I hated they’d have more to clean, but I had to pee bad enough that I didn’t care at the moment.

The other door led to another set of stalls, which made both lines a lot shorter. All in all, most of us would be in and out in a matter of minutes.

I managed to gain the last stall and just in time. The instant relief was amazing—glorious relief. I swear I peed for five minutes.

I was washing my hands when I decided to splash a little water on my overheated cheeks. I was patting them dry when I felt someone come up behind me. You know the feeling I mean. A shiver of unease had my gaze coming up, but it was too late. A hand was over my mouth and an arm was around me, lifting me from the ground before I had time to react.

“You thought you could get away from me?”

My blood ran cold at the sound of his voice.


Ian was the one who had grabbed me.

His hot breath washed over my face, making me cringe. The foulness had my stomach turning. He appeared disheveled as I took a good look at him in the mirror. The crazy that was staring back at me made my heart thunder in my chest.

I tried kicking, screaming; my efforts were lost in the noise of the fair that surrounded us.

The door behind us opened and with little effort, I was carried out behind the buildings like a sack of potatoes.

There was no doubt in my mind that if I didn’t get away from him right now, I may not be able to.

I collected myself and remembered something I’d been taught years ago. Even being held as I was, there was something I could do. I bit the hand covering my mouth, and when he let go, I leaned forward then flung my head backwards. Not sure what I’d hit. And honestly, I didn’t care what part of him I’d hit. I just wanted the bastard to let me go. I did it again, grunting at the pain in my head. It was a hard hit that probably hurt me more than the idiot manhandling me.

“You stupid bitch!”

His grip tightened, painfully. I started to kick, my body jerking, fighting with all of my might. I made contact, his pained grunt making me kick again. Finally, he let me go. I dropped to the hard, unforgiving ground only to be snatched back up by my hair. It was painful, but with him having a hold on my ponytail, it gave me a little room to fight back. I turned slightly, this time able to see what I was kicking at, and struck out with my foot, hitting him as hard as I could, trying my best to bust his nuts.

He cursed, his hands going to cover his little acorns as he toppled over like a tree.

I gave him another kick to the side. Panicking when his arm shot out, gripping my ankle. I’d gotten cocky. If I’d been smart, I’d have run the second he was down.

My body slammed into the ground so hard I lost my breath for a moment. I tried to cough, needing my lungs to work, all while trying to scramble back from his reach.

“I’m…going…to…enjoy…hurting…you,” he panted out each word. His nails dug into the bare skin of my leg, my dress doing nothing to keep him from touching me.

His touch made my stomach churn.

“Get. Off!” I kicked out, my foot aiming for his face. He released me to keep my foot from making contact.

I scrambled to my feet and with a quick glance around, I ran for the first open door I found. There was no way to outrun him to get back around to the front of the bathrooms. If I could hide in plain sight, let him get around me, then I had a chance of getting back to where Cal and Dan waited.

“Hey! Watch it.”

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