Page 13 of Tempting Professor

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My body was on fire for the man lying asleep and gloriously naked beside me.

The sheet that was barely covering his toned, chiseled muscles slid between my fingers as I gently tugged it further down. I went slowly, not wanting to wake him just yet.

I should be sated, Lord knows he’d given me enough of himself to last a lifetime, but I’m apparently a greedy girl.

Only for him though.

I’ve been with men before, I am no innocent little flower, but…I have never had orgasms that had my body all but seizing. Seriously, I think I pulled a muscle or two with that first one. My body jerked as if I’d been electrocuted. It was an amazing feeling, once I caught my breath.

Cal knew exactly what to do and how to make my body come alive for him. I was sure if I were to try and walk right now, I’d wobble. The man was a god, the God of orgasms between the sheets.

The years of lusting after this man, the one I thought I’d never get, was pushing me to be a little naughty right now. I wanted more. I wanted all of him and by George, I was going to tease him until I got it. Who needed to walk straight anyway?

I leaned in closer, my warm breath fanning his skin as I took in his scent. Man musk, it was driving my lust and need higher.

Smiling, I ran the tip of my nail along the inside of his thigh, following a faint scar. His body was a road map of hurts he’d gotten over his lifetime. A knife wound on his right side. A thick scar along his left hip. Long thin lines along his lower back. A small scar along his collarbone. That one he’d gotten when we were little. He’d jumped over the shoddy railing on the old creek bridge to save me from drowning. Don’t worry, I wasn’t actually drowning. I was in hip high water. If I’d just stood up, I would have been fine.

I thought it was then that I knew he was a special person. He was the super hero I needed in my life.

Now, as I examined him without his gaze on me, I wanted to know what each of these scars had come from. When they happened, was he in a lot of pain? Did he get all of these while in the Military? What had he done to get them? No matter the story, I knew he would have gotten them doing anything in his power to help another being that was in trouble. These scars were his reminders of the good and bad times. I leaned in to brush my lips over the scar at his hip.

I just wished I could take away any of them that were hurting him still. That was a thing, right? They could heal, but still hurt. I couldn’t handle the thought of him being not okay.

Ugh, don’t get emotional, Kara. Good grief.

I couldn’t help it though. I knew the stories; I saw the reports on the news. Being in the Military was a hard job. The men and women of our Armed Forces were a special breed of hero that really did not get enough credit for what they did. Without them, this world would be a whole different monster.

My finger ran back up the scar on his thigh, the faint line a road map leading my hand back up toward his cock.

Taking in a deep breath, I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I watched his length go from flaccid to semi hard. Closing my eyes, I remembered him teasing my slit with the tip only a few hours ago. The back and forth motion had driven me into a frenzy of want—need.

My eyes went up to his face where I met his hard gaze. The desire in those beautiful green eyes lit the torch inside of me.

“Touch me.” His voice, the order in it, rolled across me. Without hesitation, I slid my hand up to cup him, the heel of my hand running along his growing shaft. I would give him what he wanted, but in my own time. The soft, smooth skin ran along my palm. He got harder with each movement.

His soft moan of pleasure sent a jolt straight to my pussy. I was throbbing. I wanted more of those moans. I felt powerful right this moment. With a grin, I licked my lips, my hand gripping him in a tight fist as I brought the tip to my mouth. My tongue teased along the tip, my eyes never leaving his.

And just like a good boy, he moaned for me. I took him into my mouth, sucking softly at first. I had to not gag because I’m sorry, that was not attractive in any way. Say what ya want, I don’t care.

I moved my hand along his base as I took him in as far as I could. He was a very well-built man. Not too big, but big enough to make me weak in the knees. His hand moved to my hair, his fingers curling in the long tresses as I worked his cock in and out of my mouth.

“Fuck, baby…”

At that I swallowed hard, letting him hit the back of my throat before I pulled back up. By the third bob of my head, his hips were jerking. I could feel the tug on my hair, but I wasn’t finished yet.


Oh yeah, I had him right where I wanted him. I used my bottom teeth to gently glide up the bottom of his shaft before I took him in fully again. The tip hit the back of my throat. I held him in my mouth for a second. His balls drew up, and I knew what was coming.

I pulled free of him, my hand working his shaft in a hard, fast pace as he spilled his seed. His body jerked; his shout of my name filled me with a joy I could never find anywhere else.

This man had no idea just how fucking special he made me feel.


That was a helluva way to wake up.

I could feel her the second she woke up. Her body pulling away from mine made a cold spot. I missed her warmth instantly. Her gentle touches, the feel of her breath on my overstimulated body, it had been too much to hide my need.

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