Page 56 of The Heir

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“Call it the fact you know Carrillo men almost as well as I do, and you know he’s itching to be involved. I get it, but we have a lot more people to worry over.”

Dante took the hint and used his fingers to switch screens, moving the map around until he could find each and every volunteer. “There, Bennie and Marius are still in town. They’ve been at the corner of Main and Elm for hours. It’s a good vantage point. It’s basically the whole fucking town.” He moved the map again after switching screens. “There is that ranch hand, Avery. He’s been by the creek like he’s supposed to since he went on duty.”

Again and again, he showed Blaine the map, but when he came to the last one, he stopped. “Wait. Wait, wait, wait.”


Without answering Blaine, Dante called Tango, Lonnie, and Eight over. Blaine moved so Tango and Lonnie could sit on either side of him to better see the map. Eight was across from him and Blaine peered over his shoulder. “This is where we had Indio, correct?”

“Yes, that’s where I assigned him tonight. He was there, not an hour ago,” Tango said.

“Is he off taking a piss or something?” Eight asked, and Dante moved the map around in a circle that was a mile around the area where Indio was supposed to be.

Eight got on his phone to call, but Tango warned, “The reception there isn’t the best.”

“Dante,” Blaine said, “can’t you go back? It’s recorded, right?”

“Right! God, I love you, Blaine.”

He rewound the recording until the red dot that was Indio’s GPS tracker came on the screen. “There,” Lonnie said. “Watch where he goes.”

They watched as the dot moved slowly to the west, moving, moving, and then, just like he was captured by space aliens, the tracker went offline completely.

“Tango,” Lonnie said, “Check the other computers! It might be just this one glitching.”

Tango rushed around to the others, then they all called the watchers and right after, the volunteers. Those that were supposed to be watching Indio weren’t answering.

Lonnie and Tango agreed with Eight when he said, “We’re going to check.”

“Wait,” Blaine said as he picked up the tablet. “Right after his dot disappears…what the hell?”

Dante demanded, “What? Tell us!”

“Dayton Binx? What the hell is he doing there?”

Lonnie heard Binx’s name and rushed over to them. “What about Binx?”

“He’s…he’s there,” Blaine told him, his voice shaking. “He’s supposed to be at the farmhouse.”

“Who?” Bonita ran over to see what they were talking about. Her brother, Ruben, was also at the farmhouse.

“Lonnie’s friend, Binx, he’s there at the place where Indio is supposed to be, then his tracker moves west too, then it keeps moving.”

Bonita was on the phone with her brother. “Ruben! Hey, why isn’t Binx at the house with you?”

Dante asked her quietly to place it on the speaker. As she did, Ruben was just finishing his sentence. “…right here.”

“Repeat that for these guys, Rube.”

“He’s right here. I’ll put him on speaker.”

As Ruben did, they all heard Binx’s voice. “I’m right here! What’s going on?”

It came to Dante like a boulder had fallen from the sky right on top of him. “Binx…Binx, where is Selestino?”

“He went to bed early. He had a headache.”

“Please, will you go check him for me?”

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