Page 50 of The Darkness Within

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“Absolutely. Pack a few things. I’ll be there within the hour. We’ll sort this out together.”

“Thank you, Damien. But…”

“No buts. I’ll be there soon. Don’t worry, Frankie. You can stay at my penthouse. I’ll crash at the office.”

“Thank you. See you soon.”

She hangs up and walks back into the living room. “I’m going to stay with Damien for a couple of days.”

“Frankie, you barely know him!” Nate protests.

“Nate, that’s none of your business,” she shoots back.

Good girl.

“This is just the beginning,” I whisper. “You’ll be right where I want you, Francesca.”

After finishing my drink, I disconnect the cameras and surveillance. I don’t want to be too early. After another twenty minutes, it’s time to make my move. Excellent.

I pull up to her place and spot her standing outside with a small suitcase. She looks fragile and vulnerable—just the way I want her. I park and walk toward her.

“Frankie,” I call out, concern dripping from my voice. “Why are you outside?”

She looks up, her face softening at the sight of me. “I didn’t want to be in there while they’re looking for more cameras. Thank you for coming.”

“Of course,” I reply, taking her suitcase. “I couldn’t leave you like this. Come on, let’s get you to safety.”

We climb into the car, and I feel her fear. It’s actually intoxicating. Sick, I know.

“Do you have any idea who could be behind this?” I ask, eyes flicking to her briefly as I drive.

She shakes her head. “I have no clue. It’s terrifying to think someone’s been watching me…”

“You’ll be safe at my place,” I assure her, my voice steady. “Let the professionals figure it out.”

She glances at me. “Damien…thank you. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

I smile. “We’ll get through this, Frankie. I promise.”

“We?” she asks.

I glance at her and put my hand on her thigh. “Yes, we.”

We drive in silence for a bit before arriving at my penthouse. I pull into the garage and park. “Let’s get you inside,” I say softly. “You’ll be safe here.”

Frankie nods, and we head into what she believes is her sanctuary. Little does she know she’s stepping right into my grasp.

Francesca slips into bed, and I turn to switch off the light.

“Where are you going?” she asks.

“I told you I’d sleep in my office.”

Francesca turns down the comforter and pats the bed. “No, you belong here. Stay with me. Please.”

As I sink into the bed beside Frankie, her soft breathing lulls me into a false sense of security. I turn to face her, the moonlight gently highlighting the beautiful contours of her face. She looks so peaceful, blissfully unaware of the monster lying next to her.

All of a sudden, my phone lights up. I reach for it, and the message I read sends a rush of excitement through me.

“We need to talk. It’s about Frankie. Meet me at the usual spot.”

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