Page 44 of The Darkness Within

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“Fuck him,” I say out loud just to drive the point home to myself. He’s not worth thinking about because, clearly, he’s not thinking about me, which is fine.

He never made me any promises except for a good time.

And I did have a good time. A really good time.

It stings, that’s all. I don’t need Damien Wolfe or any other man for that matter. They are a luxury, not a necessity.

I arrive at my house and frown at an unfamiliar silver Audi parked in my driveway. The neighbors would ask before committing such an offense, and I brace myself for whoever the hell it is as I step out of my sedan and flip the snap on my holster—just in case.

The Audi door opens, and a tall figure steps out. Even though darkness conceals his identity, I know those broad shoulders and long legs. Even so, I aim my gun at the person. “Stop right there and identify yourself.”

The man is unflappable, that’s for sure. He doesn’t freeze or gasp or show any other signs of shock. He stays relaxed as he turns to face me. “It’s me, Francesca. Damien.”

As if I don’t know. “What are you doing here?” My voice comes out softer than I intended, betraying my mixed emotions.

His shoulders fall. “I had to rush off for a few days, Francesca, but I’m back now.”

“Without a word?” I arch an eyebrow, trying to keep my demeanor cool even as my heart skips a beat.

He nods. “It was sudden. I didn’t have time to explain. I’m sorry.”

“I left you a message. Did you get it?”

He says, “I did. And that’s why I’m here.”

“Oh, so you think you can ignore me for days and then just show up like it’s nothing?” Shit. Now I sound like a psycho.

He gives me that killer smile and shoves his hands in his pockets. “You got it, Frankie.”

His easy agreement throws me off. I expected him to put up more resistance, but he just smiles like he’s amused, making it hard to stay mad.

“Don’t charm your way out of this, Damien. You disappeared, and now you’re here. Why?”

“To see you.” He takes a few steps forward, his eyes searching mine. “And to make it up to you. I’m here to cook dinner and spend some time together.”

A flutter of excitement stirs inside me despite my best efforts to stay guarded. “Dinner? You better hope you’re as good in the kitchen as you think you are.”

He turns his back to me, popping the trunk of his car.

“You got a body in there?” The playfulness in my voice is clear. “Sorry to tell you, Damien, but I’d have to arrest you.”

He turns to me with a fake pout. “You would? After all we’ve shared?”

“In a heartbeat,” I reply, biting back a smile. “Badge before…whatever this is between us.”

He retrieves two canvas bags from the trunk. “Good thing it’s just dinner ingredients, then. I’m cooking for you tonight if you’ll let me.”

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “You cook? Or did your private chef pack some gourmet TV dinners with reheating instructions?”

Damien’s laugh is rich and genuine, the sound wrapping around me like a warm embrace. “I’ll have you know I’m quite skilled in the kitchen. Among other things,” he adds with a wink.

Heat rises to my cheeks, but I refuse to let him see how much he affects me. “Big talk, Wolfe. You’ll have to prove it.”

“With pleasure,” he purrs, his voice low and promising. “Though if I accidentally poison you, feel free to sue me. I hear I’m good for it.”

I chuckle, some of the tension between us dissipating. “You’ve got yourself a deal. Either I get a great meal or a fat lawsuit. Seems like a win-win to me.”

His eyes soften, a touch of vulnerability showing through his confident exterior. “So, does this mean I’m forgiven?”

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