Page 74 of Sinful Promises

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“Nyet,” he spun around abruptly, seizing my wrists in an iron grip. “But she knows about the Silas. Your mama isn’t who you believe her to be.”

“What?” I shoved him aside, dropping to my knees in front of my mama. “Mama, is this true?” My quivering lips betrayed my turmoil as I swallowed hard. “Why did they take me, mama? Why is Dasha working for them?”

Sobs broke free as I buried my head in her lap.

“He said Papa is still alive,” I mumbled, gripping her legs tighter. “Is it really true?”

Lifting my head, I locked eyes with her, desperate for answers.

But she remained silent.

“Mama!” I sobbed. “Why won’t you answer?”

“Because she knows he is alive.”

My heart skipped a beat at Volk’s words.

The room felt like it was closing in, the tension growing thick in the air. I looked at my mama, desperately searching her face for any hint that what he said wasn’t true. Her frown deepened, and for a brief moment, I caught a glimpse of pain in her expression.


No, it couldn't be.

My entire life felt like a lie.

With fresh determination, I brushed away my tears, refusing to let despair take over.

I stood tall, locking eyes with Volk.

“You may think you hold all the cards, that you can manipulate and control me,” I sneered, my voice brimming with newfound strength. “But I won’t let you tear me apart. I won’t let you keep me in the dark any longer.”

Surprise flickered across Volk’s face, and a hint of pride flashed in his eyes. But

Moving closer, I confronted him head-on. “Tell me everything, now.”

Before I could say anything else, the door burst open, heavy footsteps echoed down the stairs as Dve and Dimitri emerged, their clothes stained with blood.

Volk probably signaled them to join us, taking advantage of my momentary breakdown.

Freaking bastard.

I stood there, eyes wide with shock, as they untied my mama and helped her up.

She seemed resigned, offering no resistance, avoiding my gaze as they led her away.

“You’re not ready for the truth yet,” Volk’s voice cut through the chaos.

The world spun around me.

I hugged myself tightly, trying to find balance as everything felt like it was shifting beneath me.

Volk’s words echoed ominously.

Overwhelmed, I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to wake up from this nightmare once more.

“All you need to know is that since the day you were born, it’s been nothing but fucking lies.”

Darkness threatened to engulf me as I collapsed, lost in a world of deceit and false promises.

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