Page 196 of Sinful Promises

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The smoothness of her tiny hand was a comforting sensation against my palm.

After the wild night we had shared, I wanted her undivided attention all to myself.

This morning, I’d told her to pack for a three-day getaway. I’d already informed Angelo so she wouldn’t feel guilty about missing work. She had no clue where we were going, and I’d made sure the flight attendants kept their mouths shut.

In the past ten hours, she’d spent a lot of time napping in the jet’s bedroom, occasionally pulling me into cuddles. After dinner – beef stroganoff with lemon pie, her favorite – she’d crashed again. Apparently, my stamina had taken a toll on her. Her words, not mine.

“I know, dorogaya,” I said gently, adjusting her blindfold. “But trust me, this surprise will be worth it.”

I led her to the waiting car and nodded at the driver. I couldn’t bear the thought of waiting another day to make her my wife. The need to have her as mine, just as much as I was hers, consumed me. A part of me was scared she might pull away for good – out of fear or doubt. I had to make my move, and I had to make it fast.

Call it toxic if you want, but I didn’t give a damn.

She was part of my family now, ingrained in my heart.

I needed her to bear my name as proof of it all.

And so, I resolved to fulfill one of her most cherished dreams and make our relationship official in every sense: legally, spiritually, and physically.

“My eyes are getting itchy,” she complained, rubbing at the blindfold.

“We’re almost there.” I placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. She snuggled in closer, wrapping her arms around my waist as we moved ahead.

“I hope you’re not taking me to a brothel or something. Fucking me in front of a window was one thing, but in front of a crowd is another,” she joked.

Jealousy clawed at my chest. I’d rather be cut open and have acid poured in my eyes than let any other man see her naked. Even thinking about her in regular clothes made my possessiveness flare, knowing how they might look at her.

“Stop putting ideas in my head.”

She laughed. “I’m hungry too, Mikhaïl. If you don’t feed me in the next five minutes, I’ll break off our engagement.”

I laughed as the driver guided us through the entrance of the private villa, the imposing gate swinging open. In front of us, the stunning expanse of the sea stretched out, sunlight dancing on the azure waters.

The villa itself was magnificent, perched elegantly on the coastline—a luxurious haven that promised privacy and serenity.

As we pulled up to the entrance, my eyes caught the three majordomos standing in impeccable black tailored suits, each adorned with a crisp white bow tie.

“Sorry, dorogaya,” I murmured into her ear, my lips brushing against her skin. “You’ve already sold your soul to the devil. No turning back now.”

She smiled. “How exciting.”

I helped her out of the car, our hands clasped together. With a casual nod to the staff, I led her slowly towards the house and its terrace. Ahead, a big pool surrounded by rocks sparkled in the setting sun, while the gentle sounds of the sea’s waves created a soothing melody in the air.

“I can smell the sea,” she hummed.

Creeping up behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my face in the curve of her neck and peppering it with kisses.

Finally, I carefully removed her blindfold.

“Welcome to Santorini.”


I adjusted my black tie and fiddled with my watch as I paced around the terrace, my heart racing. Sweat started to bead on my palms, and I clenched and unclenched my hands, trying to relieve the tension building up inside me. I even tilted my neck to crack it, hoping to ease the pressure.

Fuck, I’ve never been this nervous in my whole fucking life.

After arriving here last night, things got really emotional for her. She had a good twenty-minute cry fest where she clung to me like she never wanted to let go. She covered me in kisses everywhere she could reach, showing me how grateful she was. I held onto her like my life depended on it, soaking in the feel of her body pressed against mine.

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