Page 152 of Sinful Promises

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“Please, don’t kill her. “I want to talk to her, before… I leave.”

A lump formed in my throat.

“Alright,” I managed to say, my voice hoarse. “I won’t touch her. You can talk to her, say your goodbyes. But remember, Sofiya, this is it. After tonight, there’s no turning back. I can’t let her go with you.”

Her eyes searched mine, relief and sadness mingling in them.

My gaze drifted to the three delicate beauty marks under her left eye, like miniature galaxies on her face, captivating and mesmerizing.

“What about Dasha?”

“She’s leaving with you.”

I could see how much she cared for Dasha hence the reason why I am letting her leave the country with Sofiya. Knowing Dasha would be by her side gave me peace of mind.

A weight seemed to lift from her shoulders as she exhaled deeply, visibly relieved.

“Thank you, Mikhaïl.”

“Listen,” I said, aware of time slipping away. “I left some cash and your passport on your bed. Alexsei will drive you to your house, but I want you to sell it and get out of San Francisco. Don’t linger there. Alexsei has a house in New York, and he wants to give it to you.”

Well, give is a big word.

I actually bought it from him so she would have a place to stay but she didn’t need to know.

San Francisco was too risky now.

With Vlad gone, his men might come after her. Moving to New York seemed safer and Alexsei nearby would offer protection. Despite her hesitation, I leaned in and captured her lips in a final, lingering kiss. I savored her taste, teasingly licked her lips, and nibbled on her lower lip, marking her as mine.

As I pulled away, our faces still close, I admired her one last time – her freckles, light brown eyes, sweet smile, rosy cheeks, and bushy brows, everything that made her uniquely herself.

“I guess this is goodbye, dorogaya,” I whispered against her lips. “Ya izvinyayus saa vse. I’m sorry, for everything.”

With a final, gentle brush of my fingers against her cheek, I reluctantly let go and stood up, hastily pulling on my boxer and pants, leaving my shirt behind.

I hesitated before opening the door.

My lungs tightened.

Should I turn around for one last look, or leave and never look back?

With a heavy sigh, I opened the door and closed it behind me, muffling the sound or her cries as I shut myself away from her.

As I walked away, the echo of her sobs filled my mind, each painful cry piercing through my heart.

Things were better that way.



“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.”

? J.M. Barrie


I wiped away the tears streaming down my cheeks with the back of my hand, trying to regain composure.

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