Page 108 of Sinful Promises

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I cursed loudly, yanking the wheel left and slamming the horn, desperate to pass the other car. The night was pitch black, rain pounding the windshield, making visibility worse.

Squinting, I struggled to keep the car steady on the slippery road.

“Fuck!” I muttered, frustrated.

Just as I was losing hope, a break in the clouds let the moonlight shine through, illuminating the path ahead. I breathed a sigh of relief, loosening my grip on the wheel to regain control.

“How much farther, Alexsei?” I shouted, pressing the accelerator as we sped through the forest.

“We’re almost there,” Alexsei replied, focusing on his phone for directions.

“If she’s not there, I swear…” I started, anger simmering.

“She’ll be there, trust me.”

I shot him a dark look. “How are you so sure?”

Rain hammered the roof like a furious drummer as we drove through the dark, muddy forest. The trees loomed like monsters, branches clawing at the car. I gripped the wheel tighter, navigating carefully.

“Vlad gifted her this house not long ago,” Alexsei said, tapping his phone rapidly.

“Vlad? Marina’s been fucking Vlad?” I asked, incredulous.

He looked bewildered. “You didn’t know? Marina’s been working for Vlad for months. She’s the one who told him about Igor’s plan.”

“That bitch! You better not touch her. I want to be the one to end her,” I spat.

“Take a left here,” Alexsei interrupted sharply.

I slammed the gas, steering left, and skidded to a stop in front of a grand white mansion with emerald, green windows.

“Dve, check out the house,” I ordered, slamming the car door shut. “Alexsei, go with him. I’ll find my way in through the back.”

Swiftly, I retrieved my gun from its holster inside my jacket and dashed towards the rear of the mansion. Rain lashed my face, blending with the squelch of wet grass under my shoes and the thundering beat of my heart.

Where are you, Sofiya? Fuck. Please be safe, dorogaya.

Inside, the echoing footsteps of Dve and Alexsei reverberated through the grand halls as they searched for Sofiya and Marina. Approaching the rear of the house, my gaze caught the soft glow of a jacuzzi in the dark, empty garden.

Despite my rage, a peculiar sensation gripped my stomach. I glanced at the tranquil lake nearby, its waters eerily still in the night.

Arriving at the pond deck, I leaned over the railing, hoping to catch any sign of activity below. My own reflection stared back at me from the dark surface.

Just as I turned away, the unsettling feeling returned. I fixed my gaze on the lake once more. Suddenly, bubbles began to rise from the depths, one after another, breaking the silence of the night.

“Fuck, Sofiya!” I yelled, tossing my jacket aside and plunging into the frigid water.

The icy shock hit me like needles, but I fought through it, swimming towards the bubbles. My heart thundered in my throat, dread tightening my gut.

I knew what I might find, praying it wasn’t too late. Then, I saw her—motionless, deep in the water, hair drifting like seaweed. My heart shattered in pieces. She wore only her underwear.

Grabbing her arms, I pulled her towards shore, struggling to keep her head above water. The sight of her blue-tinged skin pierced my heart. On land, I checked for a pulse, finding none.

“No! Fuck, no!”

Desperation surged. I had to act fast—I couldn’t lose her.

“Please, baby, don’t die on me,” I muttered, panic rising.

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