Page 101 of Sinful Promises

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I snatched the gun from him, feeling its cold weight in my grip.

Then I struck him across the face with it. “That’s for betraying us,” I spat. “Now get out before I change my mind.”

“Ouch, that hurts,” he muttered, rubbing his jaw. “Hope you didn’t break anything. My face is my moneymaker, you know.”

I rolled my eyes and nodded to Dve to give him back his stuff.

“You should come with me to the States,” he said, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Great beaches, but the women?—”

“With a face like yours, you’d have to pay those girls just to look at you,” I snorted.

“I get more girls than you, and you know it,” he bragged. “Look at me. Even I would want a piece of myself.”

“I’m sure you do,” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “But if you ever want one to stick around, work on that personality.”

He turned to Dve. “Seriously, who’s sexier, me or Volk?”

I glanced between them, trying not to smirk. Quick as a flash, I then grabbed my phone and shot a text to Dimitri, checking in on Sofiya to see what she was up to.

“Neither. It’s gotta be me,” Dve said with a shrug.

“You? Yeah, right,” Alexsei scoffed, full of himself. “Most of the time, you’re more like Mary Shelley’s monster.”

“Frankenstein?” Dve raised an eyebrow. “And you look like a second-rate Ken doll, man.”

Their back-and-forth faded into the background as my phone buzzed, Dimitri’s reply lighting up the screen.


Girl’s gone shopping with Marina.

What. The. Fuck.

My blood boiled with anger as I read Dimitri’s text. Without hesitation, I fired off a reply, demanding to know their exact location and why the hell Marina had come to the house.

As I waited anxiously for his response, pacing back and forth in frustration, the two idiots beside me continued their pointless bickering, their voices blending into background noise as my mind raced through all the ways this situation could spiral out of control.

“That fucking bitch! I swear, Marina’s dead today,” I muttered under my breath.

Finally, my phone buzzed with Dimitri’s reply. He apologized, explaining that Marina had lied, claiming I had given her permission to take the girl shopping, and he hadn’t realized the truth until now. I cursed again.

“Zatknis’,” I snapped, cutting off their argument. “I’ve got bigger shit to deal with right now than your fucking bitching.” My voice was laced with irritation as I glared at the two men. “Marina took my gi-, Sofiya without my damn permission, and Dimitri fell for her bullshit. We need to find them, NOW.”

I dialed Dimitri, who answered promptly.


“Find out exactly where they are.”

Dimitri started apologizing, but I didn’t have time, so I hung up. All I fucking cared about was getting Sofiya back where she belonged – with me.

“Volk,” Alexsei stopped me, phone in hand. “Fuck! I think I know where they went. We need to move fast.”

The hunt for Sofiya was on, and time was fucking running out.



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