Page 8 of Vows Of Sin

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“That’s right, you ride your husband's cock. Take all my fucking cum.” I reel in the hate she stares back at me with, as I offload inside her, filling her to brimming and keeping my cock as deep inside her as I can get it to ensure she gets every last drop.

I keep my fingers firm, squishing her lips together and making sure she hears what I have to say next.

“There is noPlan Bfor you, sweetheart. And knocking you up wasn’t our fathers’ demand in thisarrangement. It wasmine.”

I pull out and leave her dripping my cum, and hers, all over the breakfast table, just like I told her I would.


Itake a shower and regain my pride before I decide to take a tour of my new home. Growing up I always had the biggest house out of all my real-life friends, but this place is on a different level. Dario’s mansion is huge, there are at least six spare rooms, that I’ve counted, a gym, a cinema room, and an indoor pool. It takes me almost an hour to get all the way around it, and once I’m done exploring I slump myself onto the couch and wonder what the hell I’m supposed to do now.

Dario is wrong if he thinks I’m going to devote my life to being a mother to his children. I have a life of my own, I have friends, and I should be studying at college like most other girls my age.

I may have become his wife in order to help my family, but I never agreed to become a baby machine. The final words he spoke to me after he dumped his load inside me, for a second time, keep repeating over and over in my head and it makes me wonder if what he wants to do to me is some kind of punishment.

It would make sense, our fathers forced this marriage, and Dario, being the selfish asshole that he is, is taking that out on me. He wants me to suffer the ultimate consequence of it.

Things could be so different if he would just show me a little kindness. We could at least make our situation tolerable. But Dario has already proven that he is incapable of reason.

He’s made it clear how he wants our relationship to be. But he’s in for a shock if he thinks that’s how this marriage is going to work.

I decide to rebel and take out my phone so I can text my best friend, Lorna. Her family doesn’t belong to any factions or have ridiculous traditions like arranged marriages. Her father’s a used car salesman and her mother’s a teacher. I figure a little normal, combined with some retail therapy, will pass the time and make me feel much better. She quickly texts me back with a thumbs up after I’ve sent her the address, and I smile to myself victoriously as I head back upstairs to get changed. It’s half an hour later when she calls me to tell me she’s at the gate, and with great satisfaction I head straight to my husband's office and knock on the door.

“Come in.” He sounds pissed off by the distraction, and when I do as he says and slip inside, I see that I was right. He’s pissed.

“That’s my friend at the gate, we’re going shopping.” I do my best to hide the smirk that’s twitching on my lips.

Dario presses the button on the desk phone beside him.

“You can let Miss Allen through,” he instructs one of his henchmen, before taking out his mobile and tapping out a text.

“How did you–” I give up on even finishing my question. Of course, he fucking knows who she is, this place is like a fortress. There's probably more staff here than they have at the White House.

He gets up and calmly takes his wallet out of the suit jacket that’s hanging on the back of his chair then he holds out his credit card like he expects me to take it.

“I have money,” I explain, watching his jaw tighten and knowing that my response irritates him.

“You mean you have your father’smoney.” There’s a nasty clip in his tone. “Your father is no longer responsible for you, I am.” His eyes meet mine and he narrows them like he’s getting a kick out of that control. I ignore the fact his words make the space between my legs twitch.

“Fine.” I snatch the damn thing out of his hand, and he does nothing to hide the smirk on his face when he opens his office door and guides me out into the hall.

“Lucian, have a car and a security team ready to take Mrs. DeMarco and her friend into the city,” he orders the guard standing by the front door.

“That's not necessary, Lorna has a car,” I explain, not missing the way Lucian looks to the floor and sniggers.

“Your naïvety is as endearing as it is concerning.” Dario shakes his head, and when I feel my cheeks flush from the humiliation it makes my fingers ball into a fist that I want to launch at his face.

“I have many enemies, Madalina.” He takes my hand in his and raises it up between us. “The second I put this ring on your finger, those enemies become your enemies too.”

“Another one of yourresponsibilities,” I come back at him, snatching my hand away and turning toward the door. Dario moves fast, gripping my jaw tight in his fingers, the same way he did while he was fucking me, and I hate that it puts a warm tingle over my skin.

“I’m yourfuckinghusband, everything concerning you is my responsibility. So get used to it.” He expels the words through his teeth like he detests them as much as I do and when the doorbell chimes, he releases me just as fast as he grabbed me. His head nods to his guard, permitting him to answer it before his stare returns to me.

“Wow, this place is incredible.” Lorna breezes inside, not seeming at all intimidated by the huge guard who she passes on her way in, or noticing the tension between myself and my husband. She’s far too distracted by the decorative art that’s on the huge ceiling above her.

“Come on, let's go. Lucian is driving us.” I side-eye Dario as I storm past him toward the door, grabbing my friend's hand and dragging her out with me.

It’s four hours later and we’ve spent far too much money. I’ve bought things I doubt I’ll ever wear, but I’ve done exactly as I’ve been told. I used Dario’s card and tested it until I got bored. I’m sure the thing doesn’t have a limit.

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