Page 37 of Vows Of Sin

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“You got what you wanted, you used the district to have my father agree to your lame-assed marriage, and now that you’ve fucked your heir into my sister, you are fixing it back.”

“Nicolas.” I look around us and check that we really are alone. “Your sister’s heart would break if I hurt you, right now that’s the only thing that’s stopping you from choking on your own fucking tongue.

Don’t talk about my wife with such disrespect,” I tell him calmly, tensing my fists and doing all I can not to react. “I assure you, I know nothing about my brother taking your family's district. I will speak to my father about that, but right now, Madalina needs me. She needs us both.” I hate to admit that, but family is important to her and what's important to her is all that matters.

“She will never need you,” he growls at me under his breath as he turns his back on me and heads for the family car that brought us all here.

I try not to let it, but what Nicolas says plays on my mind for the whole time we are at the Conte place. Madalina insists on leaving her coat on and she keeps herself busy by working the room and making polite conversation to those who came back here to pay their respects. My father, of course, left as soon as he could, and I get the sense from the way that he’s been avoiding me that there could be some truth in what Nicolas tells me.

If there is, I can only imagine the rift it will cause between me and my wife, and right now the extra stress is the last thing she needs. A twin pregnancy comes with complications and the only thing she should be worrying about is growing our babies strong. All of this could not have come at a worse time.

She looks exhausted when we finally get home but stillmanages a smile when I pick her up and carry her up the stairs. Her arms wrap around my neck and the way she snuggles into me makes me wonder if she’s forgiven me.

I want her to need me. I want to be the person she depends on and I don’t care how fucked up that sounds.

“Let’s get you out of this fucking coat.” I unbutton the front and drag it off her shoulders once we’re in the bedroom.

“I've hated you being covered up all day.” I splay my hand over her swollen stomach and lift her chin with the crook of my finger. “Do you know how proud I am of you?” I reach around her body and feel for her zip, slowly sliding it down toward her ass and letting it fall off her body. She looks like a real vision standing in front of me in the heels and lacy underwear she’s wearing. Her perfect, slightly rounded belly only makes her look hotter.

“Stop looking at me like that.” She shakes her head and lowers her eyes.

“Like what?” I laugh.

“Like I’m some kind of exhibit.”

“I love the way your body is changing and I love even more that I’m responsible for it,” I admit, touching my fingertips to her skin. “You look incredible.”

“So, why haven’t you touched me? Why haven’t you fucked me these past few weeks? If that part of our marriage has started already, then I’d rather know about it.”

“What part of our marriage?” I shake my head in confusion.

“The part where I’m no longer desirable and you seek other women.” She chews on her thumbnail, and I can see in her expression that she’s pissed off at herself for allowing me to see that the thought of it hurts her.

“Madalina, that isn’t going to happen.” I try not to laugh, if she knew how hard the past few weeks have been for me, thethought wouldn’t even be in her head. “It sounds as if you’ve missed me,” I point out.

“That’s ridiculous, we’ve been together every day.” She rolls her eyes and tries to save face.

“I mean, you’ve missed me touching you.” I let my fingers move up her body and slide between her tits. They seem so much fuller and I wonder if they’re feeling extra sensitive like the books said they might.

“I still haven’t forgiven you.” She pulls her eyes away from mine and when I quickly snatch her jaw and force her to look at me again, I love the glint of annoyance I catch in them.

“You don’t have to have forgiven me. Just tell me what you need.”

“Ineedto be fucked,” she admits, raising her eyebrows like she’s laying down a challenge. “I want you to make me hurt, maybe if you do, it’ll take away the guilt and pain I’m feeling.” A tear trickles over her cheek and I catch it with my thumb.

“I can’t.” My eyes drop down to her stomach, I don’t care how safe the doctors say having sex is, what she’s asking me for is different.

“I just want to feel something that isn’t anger.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I’m mad at whoever killed my father. I’m mad at myself for wanting you. I’m stillsomad at you for what you did.” Her cheeks flush red and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

“All you had to do is tell me that.” I lift her up from under her thighs and carefully lie her on the mattress so that my body hovers over hers.

“Had I known for all this time that you were so desperate, I’d have put you out of your misery.” I keep my lips close to hers but don’t touch them, and I feel her frustration.

“I’m not desperate,” she tells me, but the way her hands grip my shirt suggests otherwise.

“You sound desperate.” I tease her with my lips. “You look desperate.” I kiss my way all the way down her body. “You evensmelldesperate.” I slide my nose through her center and when she raises her hips to grind against my face, I pull away and admire her.

“Do you have any idea how fucking stunning you look right now?” Her belly looks even more prominent when she’s lying down.

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