Page 21 of Vows Of Sin

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“I’ve started to take it, you know until we are ready, and I was wondering if you still get periods. I thought I’d had one just before the wedding but then I remembered I was definitely having one when we went to the first dress fitting, and that was a few weeks before. That would mean I’m late, but if the pill stops your periods…” I bite my lip, unsure of how it works. I guess that's what happens when you let your husband take full control of your birth control methods instead of seeing a doctor yourself.

“Some do, some don't, I think it depends on what oneyou're taking.” Serena shrugs, “Do you think there’s a chance you could be pregnant?” She studies me curiously.

“There were a few days just after the wedding while those negotiations were taking place,” I admit, feeling my stomach start to knot. I can’t be pregnant, not now. I’ve got my head around Dario and I trying to make this marriage work. I know it’s what he would want and it would make him happy, but I just can’t imagine me being a mom yet.

“You should take a test to be sure.” Serena grabs my hand across the table.

“I will, just not today. I’m sure it’s the pill. I don’t feel pregnant. Surely that's something you would feel, right?” Ireallyneedher to agree with me.

“I’m sure you would.” She smiles again as she tells me what I need to hear, then putting on her sunglasses she rests back her head and continues to soak up the midday sun.

I arrive home in plenty of time to get ready for the party and when I see a dress already laid out on the bed for me, I don’t even allow myself to get irritated. When you live with a control freak there are certain things that you just have to let go.

I take a shower and fix my hair, before getting into my dress and matching shoes, and just as I’m checking myself in the mirror, the bedroom door opens and Dario walks in wearing a tux.

“Wow!” I say my thoughts out loud as I look him over through the reflection, and when he steps toward me, he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his hands on my stomach.

“I knew you’d look good in this dress.” He smiles at our reflection. “Did you have fun with your family?” he asksas he kisses my jaw. I appreciate his interest, I appreciate everything about the way he’s been just lately.

“I only got to see Serena, Nic was busy and Father was playing golf.”

“Golf? Obviously, he is finding his district too easy.” Dario makes me laugh when he nips at my neck.

“No, he takes his role very seriously.” I quickly spin around. “He would never?—”

“Relax, I was making a joke,” he informs me. “I am capable of it from time to time.” His forehead presses against mine, making me wonder what's gotten into him. Things may have been easier between us these past few weeks, but this is a side of him I’ve never seen before.

“I was thinking that you probably shouldn’t drink tonight, just in case.” His hand pats my flat stomach.

“In case the whole room knows that I’m only nineteen?” I giggle nervously. In normal circumstances, people might say I’m too young for marriage, and that Dario is too old. He’s only six years older than me which, in our world, is no gap at all.

“That, and the fact there's a slight chance you could be?—”

“I’m not pregnant,” I stop him before he can finish. “Is that what this is all about?” I question him when everything starts to click into place. “You're being nice to me because you think there is a chance I might be carrying your heir?” I laugh through the hurt that thought causes.

“That's not the only reason, at all. I agree with you. I want this to work and–”

“Get the thought out of your head, because I’m not pregnant, Dario!” I shove him off me and head for the door. When he snatches my wrist and pulls me back, I almost trip on my heels and fall into his chest.

“I don’t care how slight the chances are, until I know that you aren’t carrying my child, I will take care of you and protectyou as if you are.” His grip on me is tight and the tension behind his words reminds me of the man I married. “Now…” He aids me in getting my feet straight, “stress isn’t good for a pregnant woman, so take some time to calm yourself. I’ll see you in the car.”

He walks away from me, leaving me full of frustration and wanting to punch something. Preferably him.


Iwatch her play her role seamlessly. Madalina has the talent of appearing interested in what people say to her. She answers their questions politely, all while holding my hand and giving me the occasional look of affection that you’d expect from a woman in love with her husband. She’s so good at it, even I start to get convinced

“It’s been a while since we saw your father, Dario. Is he considering retirement now that you are married?” Lorenzo Contino asks with a smug-as-fuck look on his face. He used to run a district for my father but had to be replaced when he allowed it to get out of his control.

“No, no retirement plans, yet,” I assure him, and anyone else listening. Parties like these, you never know whose ears are owned by an enemy.

“Plenty of time to start a family of your own, then.” Lorenzo's wife, who seems pregnant every time I see her, chimes in, and I note the way Madalina blushes as if it would be a sin.

“No, no plans for a family yet. We want to enjoy each other for some time before we throw ourselves into parenthood.” She wraps both her arms around mine and looks up at me throughher lashes. It’s cute-as-fuck, but I can guarantee that if she knew the truth she’d want to claw my eyes out, instead of gaze into them

“Kids are overrated.” A voice comes from behind us and when I recognise it I close my eyes and take a calming breath.

“Madalina, this is my brother, Cassio,” I sigh impatiently. I wasnotexpecting him to be here tonight. These kinds of parties are far too sophisticated for him.

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