Page 15 of Vows Of Sin

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“How’s married life?” My father asks me when I turn up at his home. “I see you failed to bring my daughter-in-law with you.”

“She’s at home, adjusting to her new role,” I explain, leaving out the part that I don’t like the idea of bringing her here. Madalina’s tongue is far too sharp for my father to tolerate and since he’s been giving me the silent treatment, I’m unsure what his response to my actions last week will be.

“I heard you took care of the Luca situation.” He seems impressed as he pours himself a drink. “That can’t have been easy for you. I know there was a time when the two of you were close.”

“I assume you are aware of the other situation I took care of,” I point out, accepting the glass he offers me. I won’t play his games. We both know it’s the reason he summoned me here.

“If I wanted Hex dead, I wouldn’t have had you punish Luca for his lack of self-control,” he tells me, acting much calmer than I expected, maybe he’s going soft in his old age.

“He called my wife a whore,” I tell him, lighting myself a cigarette and deciding that no more explanation is needed.

“Well, you can pay the staff at my clinic a bonus for their discretion,” he tells me with a chuckle that seems to put an end to the matter. Which surprises me considering Hex and my father were so close.

“I have some events I need you to attend, the walls seem to be closing in around Brooklyn. Luca may have been out of line in his actions but he was right. Hex wasn’t treating his men fairly which tells me he lost their respect, without respect there is no handle on his streets. I will give his brother time in his new leadership role to make improvements, but I need you to start showing your presence. Remind everyone that we are watching and that there are standards to be maintained.

You can put that pretty, new wife of yours to good use. Have her talk to some of the wives.”

“I don’t want Madalina involved in business,” I point out.

“Madalinais family, now,” he reminds me with a clever grin on his face.

“I will take her to the events and let us be seen together, but I won’t use her like that.” I make that very clear. In this world, a woman can be equally as dangerous as her husband. Women’s whispers are often the cause of war between our factions.

“I want you to keep your eye on her brother too, he has the heart of an upriser and brains of a mule.”

I chuckle to myself when I think about how much Nicolas Conte hates me. He’s always struck me as a jealous fool. There is no way his family would have earned their district without Madalina being part of the deal. It will hurt him to know that he owes me a favor after last week’s events, maybe even more than it hurts him to know I can fuck his sister, whenever I want.

“Consider it done. Was that all?” I check, keen to get back home.

“I worry about you getting distracted,” he admits.

“By what?” I at least act like I don’t know what he’s talking about.

“The girl. She’s beautiful, and you have different values when it comes to her.”

“She’s my wife, isn't that how it’s supposed to be?” I stare back at him blankly, knowing that my mother was never his first priority. He cheated on her time and time again and she always found it in her heart to forgive him. She even welcomed my bastard brother into our home on the rare occasions that he visited.

“You are a DeMarcobeforeyou are a husband,” he reminds me.

“Look, I didn’t come here for a lecture. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m focused,” I assure him.

“I’m sure you are, my concern is what your focus is on.”

“Like always, father, it’s on the family.” I knock back my drink and place it on his desk before making my way out of his office and heading back home.

Madalina is in the garden when I get home, she’s reading a book out on the patio and her skin is looking beautifully sunkissed. I almost feel bad for leading her into such false pretenses. Those pills I gave her are certainly not going to prevent her from becoming pregnant. If anything, they are going to enhance the chances. I have contacts everywhere and the Walsh family's son, who recently opened his own fertility clinic, owes me a serious favor for what I did to the man who his wife cheated on him with.

Madalina has no idea that with each pill she pops, she tips the odds more and more in my favor.

“Hello, husband.” She places her book down and looks up at me cheerily. This girl likes to get her own way, and thinking that she’s beaten me at something has given her a whole new lease of life.

“Afternoon.” I take a seat beside her and look out at the view, you can just about see the city in the distance, and seeing it look so small helps remind me that not everything has to be about work.

“How was your father?” She makes polite conversation.

“His usual self, he sends his best.” I smile and when she stands up in front of me and blocks the sun I stare up at her and frown.

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