Page 8 of Three Simple Rules

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Chapter Six


Okay, so the marriage joke might have been pushing things a little too far.

The car jumped a curb and I saw Thomas visibly clench then freak a little as he fought to get the vehicle under control again.

I couldn’t help it as laughter bubbled up and soon I was braying like a jackass, literally slapping my thigh and giggling uncontrollably.

“You’re such a brat,” he hissed.

“I know,” I agreed. “I’m sorry. But wow. Should I go ahead and assume you’re a commitment phobe?”

“I’ve known you for twelve minutes,” he argued. “Could we maybe eat dinner before you start talking about forever?”

“Maybe I don’t feel the need to delay the inevitable.”

Whoa. I had not meant to say that out loud. I bit my lip and turned to look out my window. I could see his reflection in the glass and noticed that he’d turned to stare at me for a second, before looking back out at the road.

The teasing had turned a little too serious, a little too quickly. And as stupid as I knew it was logically, my heart was thumping a beat in my chest that sounded suspiciously like “I do. I do. I do.”

What in the hell was wrong with me? He was just a guy. I meet guys every day. But I’d never felt like this before.

“I guess you’re right,” he said after a minute. “We may as well go ahead and get you pregnant tonight while we’re at it.”

Now it was my turn to stare at him in stunned silence. I could see a smile playing at the corner of his mouth, I knew he was fucking with me. But I’m nothing if not tenacious. If he thought he could beat me at my own game, he had another thing coming.

“I’m so glad you agree,” I assured him. “And that works out, because I’m ovulating.”

“Maybe we should just hit this Burger King drive-thru and get a hotel room. Why bother meeting the parents at all?” He nodded solemnly. “You’re efficient. I like that.”

Ooh, he was good. I’ve always been told I was too sarcastic for my own good. But Thomas was giving me a run for my money. I was going to have to step up my game here.

“I want to meet your parents,” I argued. “After dinner you can just take me to your old bedroom and deflower me.”

“That would be great,” he agreed. “I knew I’d waited to have sex all this time so I could lose my virginity in the house I grew up in.”

“Are you fucking with me still?” I demanded.

“Which part?” he asked, turning to look at me for a second.

“The virgin part?”

“Oh.” He blew out a sigh. “No. That’s true.”

“Okay,” I said, surprisingly relieved. “Me, too. I mean, I’ve never...I’m also a virgin.”

Silence stretched between us for a while. I went back to staring out the window until he pulled into the driveway of a beautiful home and cut the engine.

“Do you have anything to say to me?” he asked, turning in his seat to fully face me.

“Do you have condoms?” I quipped.

“No,” he answered immediately. “And those aren’t really helpful when trying to impregnate your future bride.”

“Fair enough,” I agreed. I pointed my chin toward the house. “What are we waiting for?”


“Yes,” I assured him. “I’m anxious to get to the sex.“

“That’s it,” he growled, stretching across the console and kissing me hard.

I threaded my fingers into his hair, holding him against my mouth as his tongue slid between my lips. My entire body was on fire and in that moment, I found I wasn’t actually joking about having sex with him. If we weren’t in his parent’s driveway, I may have suggested he just take me right there and then.

Here's the problem with two smart mouth people getting into a pissing contest. You’re never sure when, or if, a conversation has gotten serious. Part of me figured we were bantering it out, but part of me wanted him to carry me upstairs like Scarlett O’Hara and show me what a real man could do.

Damn it. Maybe people were right.

I might be too sarcastic for my own good.

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