Page 19 of Three Simple Rules

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Ten Years Later…

“There’s no cake in this house!” I complained the second I heard the door open. “You promised me, on the day we got engaged, that you would always have cake for me. And here I lay, nine months pregnant with your second child and there’s no cake in the house!”

“It’s in my hand, baby,” Thomas called back to me from the hall. “And there was half a cake in the fridge when I left this morning.”

“Are you judging me?” I snapped.

He came into the living room where I beached on the sofa like a very pregnant blue whale, a bakery box in one hand and a fork in the other.

“Of course not,” he promised me. “I’m just saying, I didn’t realize just how much cake we were going to go through.”

“I’m about to pop a human being out of my body,” I said, snatching the fork from his hand and pointing the tines at him menacingly. “I can eat whatever the fuck I want.” He flipped open the box top and I sighed happily. “Sprinkles! Oh baby, you’re so good to me.”

“What did the doctor say?” he asked, holding the box up so I could take a bite of the cake right then and there.

“He said if I don’t go into labor tonight, to go in tomorrow and he’ll induce.” I blew out a sigh. “Thank God. This one is in there so tight I swear every time he pushes on my stomach I can see his fingerprints molded against my skin.”

You know those women who glow when they’re pregnant? Who bask in all things maternity and enjoy every second of the miracle of it all? Yeah…that’s not me.

I fucking love the toy surprise you get to bring home after it’s all over, and I’ve certainly enjoyed the creating of life, and all the practice Thomas and I do to achieve it. But the actual being pregnant part, sucks balls. And I just wanted to get this little bundle of knees and elbows out of my uterus and into my arms.

“That’s good news,” Thomas said, trying to sound cheerful. “How about if I send Twyla to your parents tonight? We’ll put on one of your vampire movies, I’ll pick up a pizza and another cake, and I’ll rub your feet while you tell me all the ways the book was better than the movie?”

“That sounds really nice,” I admitted. “Why are you so perfect?”

“I don’t want you to ever leave me for some hot guy with chiseled abs and a billion dollars.” He shrugged. “When you’re batting so far out of your league, you got to step up to the plate harder…or whatever. I don’t know. Insert sports metaphor here I guess.”

“You’re adorable,” I told him. “Come here and kiss me. I can’t bend down anymore.”

He set the cake aside and got to his knees, leaning over and kissing me softly.

“I’m going to call your mom,” he said. “You rest. I’ll take care of everything.”

“You always do,” I said happily.

Everyone thought we were insane when we told them that we knew the minute we met that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. But neither of us ever doubted it. And as gross as it sounds, I really do fall in love with my husband more and more every single day.

He is my person. My soulmate. The raspberry jelly to my frosted donut.

Mmm, donut.

“Hey babe!” I called out to Thomas. “Ask my mom to bring me donuts.”

The baby squirmed inside me, his little elbow poking hard against my ribcage.

“Little dude,” I whispered, pushing lightly against him to get him to shift back. “I can’t wait for you to meet your daddy. He’s going to teach you how to play video games and toss a ball and you’ll learn everything you’ll ever need to know about how to treat a woman from him.” I blew out a sigh and rested my palm against my belly. “I can’t wait to meet you.”

And I couldn’t wait to get my fucking donuts.

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