Page 15 of Three Simple Rules

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Chapter Ten


By time Thomas brought me back home, my Dad had returned from his trip. We sat in the car in front of the house and I fought not to laugh at the terrified look on Thomas’ face when he saw the truck in the driveway.

“You wanna ask him right now?” I teased.

“Yeah,” Thomas said, cutting the engine and opening his door.

“What?” I jumped out of the car and stared at him over the roof. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m totally serious,” he insisted. He shut his door and walked around the car to meet me. “Come on.”

We walked up to the door and I wondered if a person’s heart could actually break out of their ribcage and flop on the ground in front of them. Because mine was sure trying like hell to test the theory.

I opened the door to the house and as soon as we stepped inside I heard my dad growl from his study.

“Get. In. Here.”

Thomas and I looked at each other for a second, then I led him into the room where my dad was sitting in a chair, staring at the door.

“Coco, go to bed,” Dad said.

“No!” I had to fight not to actually stamp my foot. “I am a grown ass woman and it’s about time you started treating me like one.”

“Three rules,” Daddy said, turning his glare to Thomas. “You only had to do three things. How the hell was that too much for you?”

“I fell in love with your daughter,” Thomas said. “I won’t say I’m sorry. Because I’m not. In fact, I came here tonight to ask for your permission to marry her.”

Daddy did something I didn’t see him do often.

He burst out laughing.

“Damn kid, your dad was right. You are something.”

“Sir?” Thomas looked quizzically at me, but I just shrugged.

I had no idea what was going on.

“Sit down,” Daddy said, motioning to the chairs across from him. “Both of you.” I was sure I heard him murmur something about ‘stupid ass kids’ but I let it go.

Thomas and I each took a chair and looked at my dad.

“I knew when I hired you what was going to happen,” Daddy said, shaking his head. “Though, I never imagined it would happen this fast.”

“Sir?” Thomas asked, confusion plain in his tone.

“Son, someday when you have kids, remember this, okay? The fastest way to get a young person to do something, is to tell them they aren’t allowed to do it.”

Daddy gestured to both of us as if it that was supposed to make it all clear.

“You…wanted me to date Coco?” Thomas asked, his eyes widening. “You. And my father. You set this up?”

“Not exactly,” Dad said, holding his hands up defensively. “But we got to talking about sheltered you two are, about the things you’re in to, your personalities…and we thought you might be a good fit.”

“I don’t believe this,” I complained, rolling my eyes as I crossed my arms across my chest.

“I don’t believe this,” Dad said, gesturing between Thomas and me. “We thought it might happen gradually, over the summer. Not the second I turned my back on you.”

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