Page 81 of Stay Real

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Each of them gives me a similar reply as Orrin. I know it sounds odd, but as the last brother to find his forever, I feel like I share something with them that I was missing out on. I understood that they loved their wives; of course I did. I understood it even more when Maverick fell in love with Stella, but experiencing it yourself is something else entirely different.

Tossing my phone aside, I get to work cleaning the house. I have more laundry to do, and the floors need to be mopped and swept. Once that’s finished, I decide to make moves in the bedroom. I’ve already given Courtney a drawer, and she has clothes in my closet, but she needs more. I clean out one side of the dresser. It’s mostly old jeans and shirts I never wear, and stuff them into a bag for donation. I tackle the closet next. It’s massive, but my stuff is hanging in all random places. I go through those clothes as well, something I should have done when I moved into this place, but I’d put it off until now. Once I have the donation bags full, I move all my clothes into an orderly fashion on one side, leaving the few items that Courtney has here on her side.

Moving to the bathroom, I make sure her side under the sink and in the drawers are full of just her stuff. It’s not much, but I hope it makes her feel more at home. That she has truly dedicated space here as well.

There are little touches of her all over our home. Her blanket tossed over the back of the couch. The throw pillows she convinced me I needed when we went shopping. Without even realizing it, we’ve made this our home, and I’m stoked to start our forever together.

I hear the garage door, and I grin. She’s home. I love that we’ve made it official, and this is now her home.

Grabbing the bags for donation from the bedroom floor, I toss one over each shoulder and make my way toward the kitchen, which will lead me to the laundry room and the garage to toss them into my truck.

The garage door into the laundry room opens just as I step inside.

Courtney freezes, and a beautiful smile crosses her face. “Hey, handsome. What are you up to?”

“Cleaned out some old clothes. Making use of my rain day.”

She nods. “Yeah, I’m going to do a lot of that as well as I pack. I have so many clothes I don’t even wear anymore.”

I can’t help but chuckle when I think about Sterling’s comment earlier. “Bring it all with you. This is your home, baby.”

She rises up on her toes and pecks my cheek. “I love you.”

“Love you. Let me put these in my truck, and I’ll be right back and we can start dinner.”

“Oh, I picked up dinner.” She lifts a bag of takeout from a local Mexican place we both love. “I also stopped by my place and grabbed a few more things.”

“Perfect. We’ll eat, and I’ll help you unpack. I’ll bring in a load on my way back in.” I kiss her quickly and move around her to enter the garage. Tossing the bags in the back seat of my truck, I go to her car and open the trunk, grab two tote bags and a suitcase, and carry them into the house. “I’ll just put these in the bedroom.”

“Sounds good,” she says. She stops pulling our takeout from the bag and follows me. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with all my stuff. I might have to take over the spare bedroom closet.”

“Then where will the kids’ clothes go?” I ask. She doesn’t reply so I turn to see her with her hand over her mouth, and her eyes are sparkling and misting with tears. “We are having babies, right?” I ask with a grin.

She nods. “Yes,” she finally squeaks out her reply.

“I’ll just put these in the closet.”

She follows me in and gasps. “Where is all of your stuff?”

“It’s still here, just a little more organized. I had gaps between things that didn’t need to be there. You now have the entire right side all to yourself. Top and bottom, and the shelves in the middle right are all yours as well.”

“This is really happening.”

“You bet your fine ass it is.” I pull her into my arms and kiss her. “Now, let's eat, and I’ll help you unpack.”

“I can’t wait to live this life with you, Merrick Kincaid.”

“Right back at you, gorgeous.”




It’s Labor Day weekend, and we’re camping. When I say we, I mean the entire Kincaid family. There are a lot of us. It’s loud and chaotic and I love every minute of it. I’ve never been camping, so I didn’t know what to expect, but I love this so much.

This year they chose a campground that rents out small cabins, and each family has their own. We’re all in a row, but we gather together under the canopies for every meal, and to just chill. We’ve roasted marshmallows over the fire and cooked our meals that way too.

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