Page 78 of Stay Real

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He grips my ass as he bounces me on his cock. The move is hot as hell, and I tremble as my body responds to the moment. The familiar burning in my core starts to heat. “I’m close.”

“Get there, baby. Come on my cock, Court. Do it for me, baby. Soak my cock.”

“Merrick!” I scream his name as my orgasm ignites.

“There you go,” he says, never stopping his thrusts. “Here it is, baby. I’m—fuck!” he roars as he spills inside me.

Wrapping both arms around his neck, I cling to him, to this feeling, and the fact that he’s mine. I didn’t have to walk away. He refused to let me.

“Was that real? Am I dreaming?”

He laughs. “That was real, baby. We’re real. Today, tomorrow, and forever. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Merrick carries me to the bathroom, and after a quick shower, we fall into bed, naked, wrapped in one another, exhausted, and happier than we could have ever imagined.




It’s been three weeks since Chloe’s wedding, and life has been incredible. There hasn’t been a single night since then that Courtney hasn’t slept in my arms. Not one, and I’m fucking addicted. I want her here all the time. She’s been leaving more of her stuff here, and it’s time she brings it all. She’s renting her place, and she’s on a month-to-month contract, so there is nothing stopping her.

Asking her to live with me, to make this her permanent home is all I’ve been able to think about. It’s a rainy Sunday afternoon, and we’ve been cuddled up on the couch all day, watching movies, and eating junk food. There’s a chill in the air that came in with the storm, which is unusual for this time of year, so I made a pot of my mom’s chili. It was delicious, if I do say so myself. And there’s enough that we’re having it for lunch and for dinner.

“I love days like this,” Courtney says. She’s lying in front of me on the couch with a blanket pulled over us and is using my arm as a pillow as we watch TV. I’ve got my other arm around her, holding her close.

“Me too.” I don’t just love it. I crave it. I’m now a homebody choosing quiet nights and days in with her than any other option. We do hang out with our families. When Chloe and Rodney came back from their honeymoon, we all had dinner at their parents’ place while they told us all about it.

It was the first time we’d been together around them since we said this was real between us. She was fucking radiant. With the stress of our story locked tight behind us, she was laughing and cutting up. So much so her father pulled me to the side to thank me for bringing his daughter to life.

She’s the one who has brought me to life, and I told him so.

We’ve gone to the last two Sunday dinners at Kincaid Central, but today, the twins are teething, Beckham has a stomach bug, and Brooks is working, so it’s canceled. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family fiercely. However, when I got the call, I was sad that my nieces and nephews weren’t well, but I was stoked to get all day with Courtney, just hanging around the house. She deemed it a jammies day, much to my dismay, but her smile when she said it was worth us having to cover up when we climbed out of bed for breakfast.

“I need to swap the laundry,” she says, making no move to get up. “We left towels in the washer.”

Call me crazy, but I love this. Talking about mundane things in life with her, like laundry. I want all of her minutes in each and every day. Laundry, groceries, cleaning, kids’ schedules, we’ll get to that last one, I’m sure of it.



“Where did you go?”

“What?” I shake out of my thoughts, giving her all of my attention.

“You were so lost in thought, I’m not even sure you heard me.” There’s concern in her voice, and I love that too. She loves me, she knows me, even the slightest change and she notices. We are so in tune with one another.

“I was listening, baby. You said you needed to swap out the laundry because there are towels in the washer.” I was distracted, but I still heard every word.

“So he is awake.” She chuckles.

“I was just thinking about something really important.”

“Oh, yeah? You want to talk about it?”

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