Page 57 of Stay Real

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We eat as we talk and laugh, just enjoying spending the day with one another. While standing at the sink a little while later, rinsing our plates to add them to the dishwasher, I glance outside. “Looks like the rain has stopped for now.”

“Finally,” Courtney says dramatically.

“How about a walk around the property? There’s a small creek in the back. I’m sure it’s muddy from all the rain, but I can still show it to you. When it’s not raining, the water is usually crystal clear.”

“I’m in. We’ve been cooped up in the house for far too long.”

I step behind her, where she’s starting the dishwasher, and wrap my arms around her, burying my face in her neck. “I kind of like being cooped up with you.”

“Yeah,” she agrees. “However, some fresh air will do us some good.”

“Agreed.” Taking her hand in mine, I lead her to the door, and we slip on our shoes. Flip-flops for her and a pair of slides for me. Our feet will get wet, but who cares? It’s June in Georgia. It will probably feel good.

I lace her fingers with mine and lead her around the back of the house.

“You know we still need to go shopping for all the things you need,” she tells me.

“We do.” I laugh. “I hate shopping.”

“Well, I can’t just pick out everything on my own. It has to fit your taste. This is your house.”

“I’m not picky, Court. I’ll be happy with whatever.”

“Well, we should at least make a list of what you need, or think you need. We can start there.”

“I’m not exactly sure. Curtains, dishes, shit for the kitchen, stuff like that.” I’ve lived here for a while now, and I’m still in need of all that stuff. I have the bare necessities and that’s it because I hate to shop. I know my sisters-in-law, my cousin Ramsey, or my mom would help, but I wanted to do it on my own. Well, without my family holding my hand. Courtney is perfect for the job.

She laughs. “I’ll get you sorted out.” She drops my hand and links her arm with mine, and I slow my gait so it’s easier for her to keep my pace as we take our time walking to the back of my property.

“How much land do you have?”

“Three acres. Not a ton, but enough that I have a big enough yard for my nieces and nephews to play in when I have them and not worry about them being near the road.”

“No kids for you?” she asks. I can tell from the tone of her voice that the question is not as casual as she’d meant for it to sound.

“One day. In the meantime, I love being an uncle. It’s a trip to see my brothers be dads.”

“How so?” she asks.

“Declan was the first with Blakely, and Mom was really her only female influence until Ramsey came back into our lives a few years ago. That poor girl, she didn’t stand a chance but to be outspoken and ornery.” I chuckle.

“I’ve heard some pretty funny stories. She’s got some great one-liners.”

“She does, and it’s so damned hard not to giggle, to urge her on when we all know we should be explaining how what she’s saying is inappropriate. Oh, one time she made a sign that was supposed to say don’t come in here. Instead, it read, don’t cum in her.” I’m shaking with glee, because damn if my niece isn’t a barrel of laughs.

“She did not!” Courtney sputters with laughter.

“Oh, she did. She was being so sweet, and she was so proud of herself, and all of the adults were biting their tongues trying not to laugh.”

“That’s too funny.”

“Trust me, she’ll have more blunders. That kid is a handful. I feel for Declan and Kennedy as she gets older. They’re going to have to put bars on her bedroom window.”

“Stop.” She swats at my arm playfully. “They will not. She’s going to grow up to be amazing, and she’ll have a good head on her shoulders because she’s surrounded by a group of incredible adults who raised her to be that way.”

I don’t know what to say to that, so I don’t. Instead, I stop walking and peck a kiss on her lips. “We’re almost there.”

The remainder of the walk is in silence, but it’s not uncomfortable. Everything is wet and soggy from the rain, but the trees are green and beautiful, and I can imagine they would give off a nice bit of shade if the sun were shining brightly in the sky. It’s really a beautiful piece of land.

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